She Said / She Said

She Said / She Said

249. What to pack in your tote bag to boost your career and your creativity this summer

June 09, 2023


Title: What to pack in your tote bag to boost your career and your creativity this summer

Episode 249


As we head into Summer, it’s the perfect time to recharge. And, it can also be a great time to supercharge your career. When we make time and space to think and reflect, it can help us create new possibilities for ourselves. That investment is key to helping us not only build more influence in our lives and careers, but perhaps even more importantly to sustain it.  

This week, as I head into my own summer recharge, I’m sharing a specific challenge you might want to tackle during your recharge or time away (which I hope you are getting!). I’m also sharing a few book recommendations that I’ve packed in my “beach bag” to boost my creativity, innovation and problem solving skills. 

THIS WEEK’S GUEST: I’m solo, but coming to you armed with a “beach tote” full of great recommendations to supercharge your career, or help you navigate a potential pivot!


How a summer recharge is the perfect time to create or refresh your “skills checklist” or “skills inventory”.  If you missed She Said/She Said Podcast Episode 247, when I talked about the skills checklist as a tool to manage difficult feedback, be sure to check that out too!

Why focusing on creativity matters, and how it can help you navigate a career or life transition.

Five great audiobooks packed in my beach bag (actually downloaded from the Audible App on my phone) for boosting your creativity and problem solving skills: 

  1. The Creative Act: a way of being by Rick Rubin
  2. Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert
  3. The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron
  4. The Power of Creativity by Brian Collins
  5. The Creative Habit by Twyla Tharp

“Embrace The Work, Love Your Career: a guided workbook for realizing your career goals with clarity, intention, and confidence.” by Fran Hauser. This workbook is a great resource to supplement the work you do on your skills checklist. Plus, Fran joined me here in She Said/She Said Podcast Episode 197 and 198. If you missed those episodes, be sure to check them out! 

An update on She Said/She Said Podcast — and a great, big thank you to YOU! 


Friend, I’d love to hear how you are spending your summer. Any recharge plans? What specific challenges are you tackling while you have more time to think? And, how about your favorite books and what you have packed in your beach tote — I’d love to hear! Share your thoughts with me on social media. You’ll find me here:  Instagram, Linked In, and Facebook. Or, you can reach me via the link in the show notes which you’ll find here in Episode 249: .  Or, email me and the She Said Team directly: @

Looking for more She Said/She Said? You’ll find all of my episodes — 249 and counting — and our additional content here!  

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Until next week, you take care and I’ll talk to you soon. 

She Said/She Said Podcast is produced weekly by She Said/She Said Media, LLC


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