She Said / She Said

She Said / She Said

248. How to navigate career quicksand and get promoted

June 02, 2023


Title: How to navigate career quicksand and get promoted

Episode 248

Guest: Reagan Cannon, executive coach/author/speaker


Ever feel like you are sinking deeper and deeper into career quicksand? You’re doing everything you know how to do, but it’s not working and in the process you feel like you are moving backwards all the while growing more and more frustrated. 

It’s a terrible feeling, and it can do a number on your confidence and on the way you show up both for yourself and for others. And, guess what? It can also impact your ability to build and to lead with influence. In this week’s episode, you’ll get some great perspective and specific tools to help you pull yourself out of the muck!



Executive coach, author, speaker and reformed corporate executive Reagan Cannon helps me navigate this topic. Reagan shares incredible perspective, and some tips for how to recognize and address behaviors and mindsets that might be contributing to the problem. 

Reagan spent more than two decades in executive level jobs at both AT&T and Amazon. When she pivoted into leading global leadership and executive training and development, something clicked, putting Reagan on a path to building the executive coaching practice she leads today. 



A few specific things you’ll learn in this episode: 

  1. What is career quicksand?
  2. What are some of the most overlooked reasons why we may find ourselves in career quicksand?
  3. Why rethinking the way we show up in our relationships can make a big difference in our careers and in building our influence. 
  4. How learning to offer a point of view is essential. 
  5. The importance of understanding the power of “identity” as you shift careers. 
  6. What it means to “take the mess out of the message.”
  7. How to manage the “competence complex” and learn to build more opportunities for collaboration. 

Reagan also shares what she learned through the independent research she conducted on the cure for career quicksand.


I’d love to hear your thoughts about this episode or anything else that’s on your mind.  You can message me on social media: Instagram, Linked In, and Facebook. Or, email me and the she said/she said podcast team directly: . 

Looking for more She Said/She Said? You’ll find all of my episodes and content here!  


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Until next week, you take care and I’ll talk to you soon. 

She Said/She Said Podcast is produced weekly by She Said/She Said Media, LLC


About Reagan Cannon

Reagan’s TEDx Talk

“Your Brain At Work” by David Rock 

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