She Said / She Said

She Said / She Said

242. How to shift your mindset and boost your mood! BONUS Episode with Meaghan B Murphy

April 21, 2023


Title: “How to shift your mindset, boost your mood, and build your influence”

Episode 242

Guest: Meaghan B Murphy, editor-in-chief, Woman’s Day Magazine 

Have you ever heard the advice to dress for the job you want versus the job you already have? Or maybe, a slightly different take on that concept: dress for the mood you want versus the one you might currently be in? 

Engaging in micro strategies that become habits — like wearing clothing you feel good in or surrounding yourself with color that appeals to you — is scientifically shown to have mood boosting power for many people. The same can be said of other micro habits that when practiced consistently can help us shift the way we react to setbacks. 

Mindset is also a key building block for influence, which is why I’m excited to share this ENCORE BONUS Episode with you this week. 



Meaghan B Murphy is the Editor-in-Chief of Woman’s Day Magazine, which reaches some 18 million readers each month. She is also the author of “Your Fully Charged Life: A Radically simple approach to having endless energy and filling every day with yay.” 

Meaghan and I recorded this conversation back in 2021, but it’s one of my favorites for illustrating the impact of positive microhabits on mindset and ultimately influence. 

Meaghan’s journey to becoming the positive, “lightning bolt” we see today was not without hardship, nor was it where her family necessarily thought she would end up. She shares why, and how she began to shift her habits and ultimately her thinking to create a much more joyful and happier existence. Ultimately those practices inspired Meaghan to develop the methodology behind “Your Fully Charged Life” which we discuss in this conversation.  

Meaghan is also a regular on morning shows, dispensing home and life hacks to audiences on: Today, GMA, and Live with Kelly & Ryan. 

You can also find Meaghan as a co-host of “Off the Gram” podcast, as well as with her husband Pat and three young children in Westfield, NJ.


How mindset relates to influence.  

The science behind how we can shift and alter our mindset. 

How Meaghan shifted her perspective and entire existence in ways that have enabled her to achieve and maintain a higher level of overall happiness. 

The role gratitude plays in helping us create a positive mindset. 

How to create more fun and more joy on a daily basis, and the impact that has on your overall outlook, including giving you better resilience when things don’t work out. 

Why there is great power in micro habits practiced consistently over time. 

Meaghan also shares a great tip on “job crafting,” which is especially valuable for anyone contemplating a potential career pivot, or who has become less challenged at work. 

Perhaps most importantly, Meaghan illustrates what I believe is the most important element of a positive mindset: working at it, and creating a toolkit of practices that help keep you on track, or recover and regroup when you stumble. 


WHAT’S ON YOUR MIND? AND WHAT CAREER CHALLENGES ARE YOU STRUGGLING WITH? Send me your thoughts on other topics that would be helpful to you, and be sure to share your feedback on this episode. I’d love to hear from you! 

You can reach me via the links below, or you can email me and the She Said team directly:

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