She Said / She Said

She Said / She Said

240. How to build a strong brand that helps you avoid the comparison trap!

April 07, 2023


Title: “How to build a values-based brand and avoid the comparison trap”

Episode 240

Guest: MiMi Striplin, founder, The Tiny Tassel


Have you ever fallen into the comparison trap?  You know the one where you look around — especially on Instagram or Facebook — and see what others are doing, and start comparing where you are — personally and professionally? And, before you know it, you’ve  fallen into a rabbit hole of self doubt that can obliterate your confidence. 

Sound familiar? 


Social media often gets much of the blame for this, but in reality that tendency would probably be there whether instagram existed or not. It’s just that we have more of a lens and more options to see what others want us to see — up close —  than we used to. 


It’s important to distinguish between competition and comparison. 


Competition is a good thing especiall when it challenges, motivates and inspires us. 

And, Keeping tabs on the compeition is important and gives us some great data.  But when we let competition drift and become an exercise of COMPARISION that’s when we enter the danger zone.  And it can be very difficult and even painful to navigate our way out. Comparison doesn’t just steal joy, as the saying goes, it also steals your ability to create real influence! 


This week’s guest shares such great wisdom on this topic, including how to know who to listen to. I know you’re going to love this converation and love her. 


Mimi Striplin is the founder of Charleston, SC based The Tiny Tassle. This joyful jewlery accessory and apparel brand is located on Spring Street in the heart of that beautiful city.  If you are headed that direction be sure to stop by and check it out, and tell her team that you heard MiMi’s story on She Said/She Said Podcast! 


In addition to showcasing her own unique designs that started with tassel earrings and have grown to so much more, MiMi is dedicated to using her influence and success to showcase and support others founders and artists. 



How you can align your values with your brand, and why that matters; 


How to learn which voices to listen to as you get feedback; 


How MiMi got her start and the advice she shares for early stage entrepreneurs; 


How she tapped into her brand’s core values and how those values drive every part of her business, and help her navigate the competitive landscape. 


Why you might want to consider hiring a business coach. 


How to think about working smarter v. working harder. 



My conversation with Mimi is a continuation of our collaboration series with The Southern Coterie. Over the past few weeks we’ve been talking with women who are part of that network of female founders and entrepreneurs and I’ve been sharing these conversations and their great advice for building their business and careers and doing so in a way that creates real influence for themselves, but also influence that they can and do then share with others. 


We’ve talked brand building with the queen of embellished accessories and specifically the embellished headband Lisa “Lele” Sadoughi, career sustainability with Franklyn West founder Ashley Miles, creativity and innovation with former Food and Wine editor in chief Dana Cowin, impact investing with Curate Capital founder Carrie Colbert, and mindset with author and caterer to the uber elite Mary Giuliani.  

You’ll find all of those episodes wherever you are listening to podcasts. 

Please be sure to share your feedback on this or any of our episodes. I love hearing from you and am grateful anytime you share thoughtful perspective and ideas that help me make the content better for YOU!  You can reach me via the link below or you can email me and the she said team directly:

You’ll find even content like this by following social media on Instagram, Linked In, and Facebook

Looking for more She Said/She Said? You’ll find all of my episodes and content here!  


Episode 238 with Lele Sadoughi

Episode 237 with Mary Giuliani

Episode 236 with Carrie Colbert

Episode 234 with Ashley Miles

Episode 233 with Dana Cowin



Hi friend, I know it’s not nice to ask for gifts, but I do have a small, but important request. And, it’s a request that doesn’t just help me, but actually helps YOU! Here it is: Please consider sharing some love in the form of a review of She Said/She Said Podcast on iTunes or wherever you listen to this podcast. Reviews, nice comments and feedback help me improve the content so that you get more of what you enjoy and are looking for from She Said/She Said Podcast. Plus, it’s what friends do. And it’s free! So when you have a minute please consider. I’d be truly grateful. Seriously, help me help YOU!!  

Until next week, you take care and I’ll talk to you soon. 

She Said/She Said Podcast is produced weekly by She Said/She Said Media, LLC

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