She Said / She Said

She Said / She Said

Why doing great work just isn’t enough. You need to speak up! Episode 228

January 20, 2023


Title: Why doing great work just isn’t enough! You need to speak up! 

Episode 228

Guest: Dr. Laura Camacho, communications coach, author, and host of “Speak Up with Laura” podcast


Tell me if this sounds anything like you: You put your head down and work, work, work. Folks often tell you, “you are the hardest worker we have on this team!” But, all that work, work, work hasn’t necessarily led to big promotions for you. What gives? Or, maybe that big idea that the team decided to pursue was actually yours, but you find you aren’t getting any credit for it. What could you have done differently? Or, maybe you were laid off, and your boss explained that it was because the company wasn’t clear what you actually do all day and how you add value. 

All of these problems may boil down to how effectively you are communicating not just the work itself, but the value you are providing, and how you are able to think about and communicate your value not only to the team, but more broadly. 

If you are a regular listener to She Said/She Said Podcast, you know that a particularly important dimension needed to build and sustain influence is story. The power of story applies in how we think about our value and how we communicate it, and how it helps us create more visibility for the value we are already providing. 

Today’s conversation dives into this topic and will give you lots to think about and some great tools for communicating your value so that you can build more visibility, and ultimately more influence!  This Episode is also a great build on last week’s Episode 227 where we focused on building a digital brand with Be The Brand Founder Madeline Fetterly. 


Dr. Laura Camacho is a communications coach, the author of “The Practical Guide to Effective Communications,” and the host of “Speak Up with Laura” podcast. One of Laura’s particular specialties is helping those who might identify as introverts to more effectively communicate their contribution, and the value of their work. 

There is so much synergy between Laura’s area of focus and my own that we decided to do a podcast exchange! Laura joins me here in this week’s Episode 228, and I’ll be joining her on “Speak Up with Laura” in a few weeks! 


The link between effective communications and influence

Increasing your visibility: how to do that effectively, and why it matters

Visibility as a differentiator 

The impact of using the right (or wrong) language 

Introverts and extroverts and how each processes information differently

Laura’s origin story

Why the advice to “just speak up more” isn’t particularly good advice for building credibility and influence. 

Beware “overthinking” when someone asks for your view

How to avoid “Self-sabotaging language”

The role of emotion and creating intention around it 

There is so much great advice and perspective in this episode. I know you’re going to love it, and I’m excited to hear your feedback. Please be sure to let me know what struck you in this conversation? I’d love to hear. You can reach me via the link in the show notes which you’ll find here in Episode 228: .  

You can also follow me and share your thoughts with me on social media on Instagram, Linked In, and Facebook

Looking for more She Said/She Said? You’ll find all of my episodes and content here


How to stop missing out on career opportunities by creating a strong digital brand! She Said/She Said Podcast Episode 227 With Madeline Fetterly

“The Practical Guide to Effective Communications” by Dr. Laura Camacho

Speak Up With Laura Camacho Podcast

The Southern Coterie

The Lydia Menzies Supper Club

“Quiet” by Susan Cain

Mindset by Dr. Carol Dweck



Friend, if you are enjoying the show and getting value from the episodes, please be sure to let me know. A great way to do that is by sharing some love in the form of a review of She Said/She Said Podcast on iTunes or wherever you listen to this podcast. Those reviews help me improve the content so that you get more of what you enjoy and are looking for from She Said/She Said Podcast. Plus, it’s what friends do. And it’s free! So when you have a minute please consider. I’d be truly grateful. 

Until next week, you take care and I’ll talk to you soon. 

She Said/She Said Podcast is produced weekly by She Said/She Said Media, LLC

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