She Said / She Said

She Said / She Said

Five ways to get yourself booked on a podcast, while also building your brand and your influence! (Episode 223)

December 09, 2022

Title: Five ways to get yourself booked on a podcast, and how doing so can help build your brand and your influence!  (Episode 223)


Developing your expertise — and your credibility around it — is an important part of building influence. But equally important is finding opportunities where you can share that perspective in ways that help others and contribute to the broader discussion in some way. The incredible growth in podcasts presents endless opportunities for you to showcase your knowledge and expertise on this growing medium, but getting booked on top-rated podcasts requires that you do a few things first. 

This week, I’m sharing five tips for getting yourself booked on a podcast, and how doing so can help build your band and your influence. 

ABOUT THIS WEEK’S GUEST: I’m solo this week! 


In this week’s episode, I’m drawing from countless examples of pitches — the good and the less good, and sharing what will get your pitch moved to the top of the stack! I’m also sharing some perspective that will make you both a desirable guest, while also helping you build a connection with the host.  

  1. Do your homework: think about specific topics you want to talk about and why and how those topics can be helpful to the show’s audience. 
  2. Listen to a few episodes and make note of particular show structure.
  3. Share examples of the advice you might give if asked to appear on the show: the more detail the better!
  4. Tell the host what you are willing to do to promote the show when it posts.  
  5. When using a PR team for pitching, manage them! It’s the only way you’ll be sure you’re receiving the best ROI!

Ultimately, all of these tips boil down to one key theme: aligning what you want to accomplish with the goals of a podcast, but always doing so with an eye toward using what you know to add value to someone else. When your pitch is oriented to help the host’s audience v. just focusing on how amazing your own story is (even when that is the case, as I’m sure it is), it will differentiate you and your pitch. Your personal story and your ability to use it to add value are not mutually exclusive! 

If you have questions or want to be considered as a guest on She Said/She Said Podcast in 2023, I’d love to hear from you! You can reach me via the link below or here:  

You can also share your thoughts or direct message me on social media. You’ll find me most often on Instagram, Linked In, and Facebook

Looking for more She Said/She Said? You’ll find all of my episodes and content here


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 Until next week, you take care and I’ll talk to you soon. 

She Said/She Said Podcast is produced weekly by She Said/She Said Media, LLC

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