She Said / She Said

She Said / She Said

“How to build grit & entrepreneurial muscle with “failure rich” jobs! – Episode 222

December 02, 2022


Title: “How to build grit & entrepreneurial muscle with “failure rich” jobs! Episode 222

Guest: Julie Schechter


Connection is an important and powerful component needed to build influence, but our lives are incredibly busy. We feel stretched — especially during the holidays. We can have the best of intentions about sending a gift or card, but can’t seem to find the time. Many of us are drifting apart from those who are important to us. It was that problem — and concern about a broader loneliness epidemic — that inspired this week’s guest — ballet dancer and lawyer turned entrepreneur Julie Schechter. This week’s episode is about Julie’s journey and her repeated career pivots. Her advice is incredibly valuable whether you are an aspiring entrepreneur or just looking to challenge yourself in a new way. 


Julie Schechter is the founder of Small Packages, and — soon to launch — Present App. Her entrepreneurial journey was inspired by a challenge she felt personally, and that she also saw others struggling with. But, the path she took to arrive at starting Small Packages was a less than linear one. From mastering in dance in college to pursuing a professional ballet career to AmeriCorps to Harvard Law School, to entrepreneurship — Julie’s story is fascinating! 



THE POWER OF DIFFERENTATION: Julie talks about how her unique path actually created differentation for her in applying to Harvard Law School. Think — Elle Woods from “Legally Blonde” but without without the scented resume. 


UNDERSTANDING YOUR STORY AND CONNECTIVE THREADS: Julie talks about the connective thread that ties her experience and resume and the particular skill that has proven most valuable to her in all of her career junctures including her more recent experiences as a founder and entrepreneur. 


HOW TO PULL THE PLUG ON SOMETHING YOU LOVE THAT ISN’T WORKING: This is an incredibly difficult thing to do as an entrepreneur, and Julie shares her thoughts. 


PICKING PARTNERS & CO-FOUNDERS: Julie shares her process, but also a particularly important piece of advice for having a “what if it doesn’t work out plan.” 


THE VALUE OF ‘FAILURE RICH’ JOBS: and how they can help you build grit that is essential for entrepreneurship. 


THE STORIES WE TELL OURSELVES ABOUT FAILURE: Julie talks about how this particular skill — which is so critical for building influence — is also especially critical for entrepreneurs in a way that is different from other jobs. Find out why!


There is so much great advice and perspective in this episode. I know you’re going to love it, and I’m excited to hear your feedback. Please be sure to let me know what struck you in this conversation? I’d love to hear. You can reach via the link in the show notes which you’ll find here in Episode 222: .  


You can also follow me and share your thoughts with me on social media on Instagram, Linked In, and Facebook


Looking for more She Said/She Said? You’ll find all of my episodes and content here



Julie’s companies: Small Packages and Present APP 

My conversation with author and investor Fran Hauser, who introduced me to Julie. Fran’s terrific work book “Embrace the Work, Love your Career”.  It’s a great tool to use especially as you think about the new year ahead. 



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Until next week, you take care and I’ll talk to you soon. 

She Said/She Said Podcast is produced weekly by She Said/She Said Media, LLC

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