She Said / She Said

She Said / She Said

Perfect? Or happy? Why perfectionism sucks the life & happiness out of YOU (Episode 219)

November 11, 2022

Episode 219 (part 2 of 2)

Title: Perfect? Or happy? Why perfection can suck the life and happiness right out of you

Guest: Karith Foster 


Shifting our mindset, and reframing the stories we tell ourselves is critical for building and sustaining influence. When we shift how we think about our circumstances, or maybe how we evaluate whether to take risks, the outcome — win or lose — can look very different. 

When we hold ourselves to a standard of perfection, we are likely to: shy away from risks that are more likely to lead to setback before they lead to achievement; second guess our gut instincts because we are worried of how we might be perceived (and that we will fail); and we will always feel “less than” because we are holding ourselves to a standard that isn’t ever achievable. 

Even when we understand how devastating perfectionism can be, it can be a beast to wrestle with! 

This week’s guest shares her story and her perspective on how to tame the beast of perfection. She knows, because she too has been there!



This is Part 2 of my 2 part conversation with comedian, author and entrepreneur Karith Foster. 

We jump right in where we left off in Part 1, Episode 218. If you missed part 1, please click here



Karith’s book: “You can be Perfect or You can be Happy: How to Let Go, Worry Less, and Enjoy Life!”

How Karith’s infant daughter almost died, and how that story led to Karith’s book title

Why you need to ask for what you want (and why specificity counts!)

The power of story — There are so many lessons and take aways from this two part conversation with Karith, including so many ways that her stories reflect aspects of how she has (and how we can) build and sustain influence in our lives. I’ll also be sharing a few more on social media over the course of this week — so please be sure to follow me on Instagram, Linked In , Facebook or find all of our She Said/She Said products and content here


Friend, I hope you found this investment of your time worthwhile, and I’d love to hear your feedback on this or any of our She Said/She Said Podcast episodes. In particular, I’d be so grateful if you would take one minute — or two at the max — and share some love in the form of a review of She Said/She Said Podcast on iTunes. Reviews help me improve our content. That’s important for YOU because it results in a better product each week. And, it’s what friends do! So think about it! I’d be really grateful. 


Until next week you take care. 




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