She Said / She Said

She Said / She Said

“Seven ways to harness your fear through story” – Episode 217

October 28, 2022

Title: “Seven ways to harness your fear using the power of story,” Episode 217


Fear can be crippling when we don’t understand it, or haven’t learned the best ways to manage it. While your particular fears may differ from mine, there is one important dimension that aligns us. It also happens to be one of the key dimensions that helps us build and sustain influence. 

Can you guess what that is? 

It’s story. Specifically, the stories we tell ourselves about those things that provoke or trigger our fear. 

In this special “Halloween Episode” of She Said/She Said Podcast, we’re digging into the connection between fear, influence, and story and drawing great perspective from guests on this podcast. I share seven tips (summarized in brief below) that can help you understand and tame your fear while simultaneously building your influence. 



Why Story Is Such A Powerful Part Of Fear

Seven Tips For Taming Fear

  1. Reframe what happened
  2. Remind yourself about what you learned from failure or setback (let it give you momentum for future risk taking)
  3. Honestly assess the outcome (get help if you need it)
  4. Before you take a risk, make a habit of asking yourself:  “what might I learn?”
  5. Before taking a risk, “plan to fail” and think through what you’ll do when that happens
  6. Remember “feedback” is not failure. Honestly assess the data!
  7. Don’t relinquish your power to fear


Famous Quotes from the Episode: 

“You have the power over your mind— not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.” — Marcus Aurelius

“There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.” — Hamlet, Act II, Scene 2. 

“You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, ‘I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.’ You must do the thing that you think you cannot do.” — Eleanore Roosevelt


We all feel fear. How we respond to it often means the difference between using it to propel us toward our goals, or allowing it to keep us stuck. The better equipped we are to understand and manage our fear, the more we can use it to help us build and sustain influence.

Let me know what you thought of the episode! DM me @lauraCoxKaplan on Instagram, Linked In or Facebook —  I’d love to hear from you! 

And, please be sure to leave a review on iTunes or wherever you are listening. Reviews help me improve and create even better content to meet you right where you are on your journey! So, leaving a review is a good investment in both She Said/She Said Podcast and in YOURSELF! 



“Three Ways to Build Influence and to Thrive,” She Said/She Said Podcast Episode 215 

Kindra Hall: She Said/She Said Podcast Episode 203 

Kindra’s book: Choose Your Story Change Your Life

Sukhinder Singh Cassidy, She Said/She Said Podcast Episode 202 

Sukhinder’s book: “Choose Possibility” 



If career change is one of the areas super charging your anxiety and fear, be sure to check out Camp Reinvention and their Career Change Accelerator Program. Use this link to sign up! And please tell Dana and Wendy that you heard about them on She Said/She Said Podcast!

And, to learn a bit more about Dana and Wendy, check out our conversation in Episode 195 and Episode 196 of She Said/She Said Podcast.


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