She Said / She Said

She Said / She Said

How ‘getting fired’ can motivate you to pursue your dream! Episode 211

September 24, 2022

SHOW NOTES: Episode 211, Part 2 with Andrea Koppel


“How ‘getting fired’ can motivate you to pursue your dream!” Episode 211


Have you ever been miserable in a job, but are too afraid to quit? Maybe it’s a job you once loved, but outgrew? Maybe you think you can’t afford to quit, or can’t take a risk that quitting might leave yourself or your family financially vulnerable? Or, maybe your life changed and the job doesn’t fit your priorities anymore? 

Whatever the reason, I’ll bet you can relate.


When you are miserable — in a job or otherwise — it can be especially hard to bring your full self to a project or to engage fully in your life or work. Mindset matters a great deal as no situation, project, or job is perfect 100 percent of the tie. But if you can’t fundamentally change what’s wrong, sometimes the best course — at least in the short term — may be to focus on those aspects that you do enjoy and that do speak to you, at least until you are able to make a more significant pivot. 

A key component of influence is understanding our value and how to deploy it in ways that help us connect and create value for others. When we do that, it also tends to create more value for ourselves as well. 

Influence also means we learn how to understand our fear, and what’s driving it, and the best ways to address it, just as this week’s guest talks about in this episode. 


ANDREA KOPPEL is an award-winning journalist and founder of Time4Coffee Podcast and the College to Career Academy. She spent two decades in journalism, the last 14 of them with CNN before being fired in 2007. That sent her on a self-described “Goldilocks” search for a new career. But, it was her tireless curiosity, commitment to life-long learning, and the skills she learned as a journalist that ultimately helped her land in a place that aligned more fully with her passions and helped her create a career that she truly loves.  


WHY GETTING FIRED CAN BE A POSITIVE: Andrea talks about how coming to terms with getting fired (twice!) gave her the courage to ultimately pursue something that has shifted her perspective and more directly aligns with her core values. 

WHY SOMETIMES IT TAKES GETTING FIRED TO “WAKE UP” and make the career shift you need to make. 

WHY SHARING YOUR DREAM WITH OTHERS CAN BREATHE LIFE INTO IT: Andrea acknowledges that while personal situations can be unique, it can be both cathartic and can increase accountability by sharing your dream. 

WHY LIVING WITH AUTHENTICITY IS A VALUE OF ANDREA’S and how it underscores the way she thinks about influence. 

QUOTE: A favorite quote of Andrea’s is from a past guest on her podcast, Dov Barron: “The treasure you seek lies in the cave in which you fear to enter.” It’s a perfect quote for this episode!


Even if you haven’t been fired, I think you’ll find so much great perspective from this conversation. I especially loved that Andrea admitted she probably wouldn’t have left a job she was miserable in if she hadn’t been forced to. 

Wherever you are in your journey, I hope you found today’s conversation a good investment in YOU, and I’d love to know what you thought. 

Message me on Instagram, Linked In, Facebook, or Twitter — I’m @lauraCoxKaplan . Or leave a comment on my contact me form at 

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About Andrea


Time4Coffee Podcast

Time4Coffee Episode 270 with Dov Barron 

Time4Coffee Episode 859 with Steve Kotler


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