She Said / She Said

She Said / She Said

“How to find your passion, and a career you’ll love!” Episode 210

September 18, 2022

SHOW NOTES EPISODE 210: “How to find your passion, and a career you’ll love!”

GUEST: Andrea Koppel (Part 1 of 2)

TOPIC: Has anyone ever told you, “just follow your passion”? But what if you aren’t sure you know what your “passion” is? 

Or, maybe, as was true for me, what you were passionate about when you first launched your career has shifted as you’ve grown and evolved. What then? 

This week, we’re tackling the topic of understanding and learning how to find our career and our passion, but perhaps even more importantly — how to do so over and over and over again.

If you Google “find your passion” or “how do find a career you’ll be passionate about,” there is an endless supply of advice. But one thing you likely won’t find is how the topic of finding your passion relates to influence. 

Interest, and being interested, and approaching new ideas and opportunities with curiosity and an open perspective aimed at what you can learn is a critical part of building and sustaining influence. Doing so requires that we embrace a mindset that is focused on growth, versus one that shuts you off from new ideas and opportunities you might not otherwise have considered. This openness related to your career can help you connect the dots between your interests and passions and help you find ways to parlay those things into career opportunities throughout your life. 


Andrea Koppel is the founder of College2Career, a digital, learning platform that enables her to help anxious college students and recent graduates figure out the types of jobs and careers that they will love. 

As someone who has held successful careers in more than four industries over the course of her 30 year career, she knows both how to tap into your passion, but also how to evolve it as you evolve and grow in your life and career — a fact that becomes even more important as we progress and become more experienced. 

Prior to starting College2Career and her Top 100 ranked career podcast Time4Coffee, she was a CNN correspondent, Public Relations SVP, and nonprofit executive — which included working at the Red Cross and at Mercy Corp. 


TRANSFERABLE SKILLS: Andrea talks about the importance of understanding what you know and how to align that with a potential career or job. 

YOUR “INTERESTS” V. “YOUR PASSION”: Andrea talks about why your “interests” tends to lead and inform your passion.  

YOUR INTUITION: Andrea shares how tapping into her intuition through meditation unlocked her latest passion, her next career, and how it can do the same for you. 

COMBATTING FEAR: Pursuing a new passion or making a major career shift at any stage can be terrifying. Andrea and I talk about how to quiet that fear, including the fear that’s often inspired by others who have the best intentions, but who might be undercutting our ability to listen to our own gut. 

PART 2: In Episode 211 (Part 2) of my conversation with Andrea (which will post next week), we’ll pick up our conversation with the topic of FAILURE — recovering from it and using it. Andrea has some great stories about slogging through especially after her high profile firing from CNN. We all know that we learn from failure and setback, but how do you dust off and keep going when your “failure” happens in the high profile world of TV news? 

Did you find this episode a good investment of your time? I’d love to hear! Please send me a note via the contact link or DM me @lauraCoxKaplan on Instagram, Linked In, Facebook, or Twitter. Sharing your thoughts with me helps me create better content for YOU! And, it helps others who are looking for content like this to find it. So, please reach out. And, if you are feeling generous, please be sure to leave a review on Itunes. 


About Andrea

Time4Coffee Podcast

Ziva Meditation with Emily Fletcher


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