She Said / She Said

She Said / She Said

How to increase your problem solving skills in ways that help you build influence and credibility!  BONUS EPISODE 208

August 29, 2022

TITLE: How to increase your problem solving skills in ways that help you build influence and credibility!  BONUS EPISODE 208

GUEST: Lisa Gable, author and problem-solving expert


Seemingly intractable problems just come with the territory, especially at a time of such incredible uncertainty and change! Every one of us — at one point or another — has found herself in a job where the problem we were hired to solve seems impossible, or as part of a team that just doesn’t quite gel, or in a business where you just can’t figure out why customers aren’t clamoring for your product or service.  Figuring out what can at first seem “un-figure-out-able” is the key to recalibrating and finding a way to move forward. Doing this effectively and in ways that enable you to build stronger relationships and add more value as a problem solver will without a doubt help you build greater influence.  

NOTE: This week’s BONUS CONVERSATION in Episode 208 is a repackaged conversation. You can find the complete, earlier conversation in Episode 164. 



Lisa Gable, recognized worldwide as a “turnaround mastermind,” has the résumé to prove it. She’s not only served four U.S. presidents and two governors, but she’s been a U.S. Ambassador, an advisor to numerous Fortune 500 companies and, most recently, served as the CEO of FARE, the world’s premiere organization fighting food allergies. Bi-partisan in nature, she has brought together political parties, corporate competitors and disparate nations to foster quality leadership, diplomacy and results that better society and create sustainable partnerships and profitable business models. By doing so, she’s orchestrated the successful turnarounds of private and public organizations in all industries. Named one of the Most Innovative Businesswomen in 2020 by The Business Berg, she is the author of a new, already best-selling book, Turnaround.



SPEAK WITH FACTS: how not just speaking up, but speaking up after arming yourself with facts helps you build greater credibility and influence.  

HOW TO FIRE SOMEONE: and why transparency and objectivity are important tools for preserving the relationship. 

LEARN THE SECRETS TO DEVELOPING GOOD PROBLEM SOLVING SKILLS: Lisa outlines her methodology which is rooted in manufacturing principles. 

PICKING, UTILIZING AND BECOMING A GOOD MENTOR: How having the right mentor can spur your career path, and why being a mentor is an indispensable societal deliverable. 

GROUP DYNAMICS: How knowing the difference between “bad apples” and “bad bananas” can change — and improve — challenging group dynamics.

REFRAME STUMBLING BLOCKS AND FAILURE: How more often than not your biggest stumbling blocks can turn out to be your greatest stepping stones. 

SETTING PRIORITIES FOR PROBLEM SOLVING: Why the “one bite at a time” strategy is so hard — but so necessary. 


Let me know what you thought of the episode! You can reach me via the contact form below, or DM me @lauraCoxKaplan on Instagram, Linked In, Facebook or Twitter.  I’d love to hear from you! And, if you found value in this or any of our episodes, please be sure to leave a review on iTunes. Your input helps me continue to create content that meets you right where you are! And your reviews help others who are looking for content like this to find it.  Most of all, I hope you found the time you spent with me a valuable investment in YOU! 

You can also find a full transcript of Episode 208 embedded in the show notes at she said/she said 


Lisa’s book: Turnaround: How to Change Course When Things Are Going South” 

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