She Said / She Said

She Said / She Said

How “nice” can be a differentiating skill for career success! Fran Hauser, Episode 197 [Part 1 of 2]

May 29, 2022

Title: How “nice” can be a differentiating skill for career success!

SHOW NOTES EPISODE 197 [part 1 of 2]

GUEST: FRAN HAUSER, author, startup investor and adviser


Have you ever had someone tell you “you’re just too nice,” and they didn’t mean it as a compliment? Or maybe you worry that you’ve tried to overcompensate at times for the fact that you actually are incredibly nice, but if you let that show, you won’t be taken seriously at work or with clients? 

This topic has always been a bigger challenge for women. Getting the balance right between going the extra mile to care about colleagues and to show some vulnerability v. being a pushover can be challenging to navigate, especially if you struggle with “people pleasing.” By the way, “people pleasing” should not be confused with “nice” or adding real value at work. They are not the same thing. This week’s guest is the perfect person to help us break all of this down, while sharing what she’s learned over her distinguished career by being legitimate nice girl. The power of nice can indeed be a differentiating, timeless quality and one that has a great deal to do with building and sustaining influence in our lives and careers. 



Fran Hauser is a startup investor and adviser who is focused on leveling the playing field for women by sharing all that she’s learned in her incredibly varied career. A long-time media executive, Fran champions the power of content in shaping culture and educating the public. She’s the author of “The Myth of the Nice Girl: Achieving a Career You Love Without Becoming a Person You Hate” which has been translated into six languages and was named “Best Business Book of the Year in 2018” by Audible. Her new book: Embrace the Work, Love Your Career” is a workbook for women seeking more joy and fulfillment in their career. 

Fran has invested in more than 30 female-founded companies across CFG, media, publishing and wellness. She started in public accounting at PwC, moved into finance at Coca Cola, then to Movie Phone, AOL/Time Warner, and into a series of high profile media positions at People, InStyle, Entertainment Weekly. At the peak of her corporate media career, she opted to strike out on her own to coach, mentor and invest in female founded companies (you’ve met a few of them on this podcast!)  



  • How nice has been a timeless and differentiating career skill for Fran
  • What we really mean by ” nice” 
  • The magic of gratitude 
  • How to lay the groundwork for your career pivots, and set yourself up for future success
  • How to make the career leaps that are right for YOU, even when others around you are questioning your decision
  • Where Fran’s learning agility comes from
  • How Fran’s parents’ immigrant story shaped her view of risk taking
  • How and why to push back against what others think you should do when your gut says, “you need to do something else”


We’ll pick up Part 2 of the conversation with Fran NEXT WEEK in Episode 198! 

KEY TOPICS FOR EPISODE 198 with Fran Hauser:   

  • How Fran’s latest book: “Embrace the Work, Love Your Career” can help you level-set your career and goals
  • Why a focus on four key areas can have an outsized impact on your career
  • How to set boundaries
  • The power of mindfulness and reflection
  • How an executive coach can help you
  • Fran’s four square model for life and career alignment
  • Saying “yes” when you really want to say “no”
  • A key piece of advice for developing a differentiating pitch for yourself and. your business



Myth of the Nice Girl: Achieving a Career You Love Without Becoming a Person You Hate”


“Embrace the Work, Love Your Career”


Episode 179 – Mara Smith


Episode 194 – How to increase your learning agility


Episode 195 and 196 – Dana Hilmer & Wendy Perrotti, founders Camp Reinvention


FEEDBACK: I hope you found this investment of your time worthwhile and would love to hear your thoughts. DM me @lauraCoxKaplan on Instagram, LinkedIn, or Facebook. Or, use the contact link on — I’d love to hear from you! And, if you are feeling generous, please be sure to leave a review on iTunes or wherever you are listening to she said/she said podcast. 

AND, please don’t forget— part 2 of this conversation posts next week in Episode 198!

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