She Said / She Said

She Said / She Said

Why TRUST is essential for building connection with your customer, and the impact it has on your INFLUENCE! Shop BURU founder Morgan Hutchinson (Episode 193)

May 08, 2022


TITLE: Why TRUST is essential for building connection with your customer, and the impact it has on your INFLUENCE!


GUEST: Morgan Hutchinson, founder, Shop BURU



This week’s conversation gives us another great dimension related to both INFLUENCE AND BRAND, and specifically the importance of TRUST. 

One of the most important components for building a real connection and relationship with your customer requires that you establish trust — a fact that’s also true for building and sustaining influence. That means: doing what we say we’ll do, being honest, being who we really are, standing by our products, and doing our best to do the right thing where others — especially those we want to build some type of relationship with — are concerned. When we follow these guidelines (that are reinforced so beautifully in today’s conversation) we also increase exponentially the opportunity for building both trust and real influence with our intended client or customer, our employees, our partner or spouse, our children, and our neighbors. 



Today, for the final episode in our collaboration series with The Southern Coterie, I’m joined by Morgan Hutchinson. Morgan is the founder and chief designer of BURU. You’ll find her on Instagram @ShopBuru . BURU is a women’s clothing line made primarily in her factory in Los Angeles, CA. Together with her cofounder, business and life partner — her husband Brett — they have built a unique and innovative brand.   

As a mother of three young kids, Morgan’s path into motherhood actually provided the initial inspiration for the BURU brand. In fact, breastfeeding — specifically — inspired the initial designs, but she’s continued to evolve the brand as her life and motherhood journey have evolved. 

I often share some of my own favorite Buru pieces on my Instagram @lauracoxkaplan — so be sure to follow along! 

Morgan focuses on establishing a high level of trust with her customer. You see that in her marketing efforts, especially on Instagram and on her blog, and you’ll feel that in today’s conversation. There’s also a level of vulnerability she shares with her customer and that she shares with me and ultimately with you as you listen.  



TRUST: Morgan and I talk about what creating trust with your customer (or potential client) looks like. 


ENTREPRENEURSHIP JOURNEY: How her earlier experience starting “Passport Panties” informed how she and her husband Brett created BURU.  


PARTNERSHIP: We talk about why Morgan and Brett make good partners and what each brings to the table. 


FUNDING YOUR BUSINESS: We talk about why the choice she and Brett made to bootstrap BURU has been an important factor for balancing family, work and life. This is a really fascinating part of the conversation, and if you are trying to build a product-based business that can be subject to tricky supply chain issues, you won’t want to miss this!


MENTAL HEALTH: One of the most important elements of today’s conversation focuses on mental health, and Morgan’s struggle with bipolar disorder. 

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. It’s an important time to pause and think about how we can increase our collective understanding of mental health and mental illness. 

Morgan is incredibly candid in our conversation and it further underscores how she builds trust with her customer. She shares her story to not only give others who are struggling hope, but also to help change the stigma associated with mental illness.  I’m grateful that Morgan opened up about her struggles today. If you or someone you love or care about is struggling, I’ve included some helpful links below.  

One thing that experts say is particularly important related to the conversation about mental health is that conversation, awareness, and transparency, are essential to increase understanding. 


MORGAN’S BEST MOM TIPS: Morgan shares a couple of her favorite tips for both prioritizing and for traveling with little people!


She Said/She Said Podcast COLLABORATION SERIES WITH THE SOUTHERN COTERIE: I love that this conversation with Morgan Hutchinson comes right after our conversation with fashion executive and entrepreneur Sandra Campos in Episode 192. Both of these episodes continue our collaboration series with The Southern Coterie. If you missed any part of this collaboration, I hope you’ll go back and listen. We’ve featured some amazing women who are part of the Southern C network: fashion designer Lela Rose, business coach Sallie Holder, designer Mignonne Gavigan, Red Clay hot sauce CEO Molly Fienning, Partake Food CEO Denise Woodard, and Sandra Campos who I mentioned.  I hope you’ll check them out! 



Friend, I hope you found this episode a great investment of YOUR time! And, I’d love to know what you thought of this or any of our she said/she said podcast episodes! DM me @lauraCoxKaplan on Instagram, or via the contact link on my website. I’d love to hear from you! And, if you are feeling generous, please be sure to leave a review on Itunes or wherever you listen to podcasts. 




About Morgan



The post Why TRUST is essential for building connection with your customer, and the impact it has on your INFLUENCE! Shop BURU founder Morgan Hutchinson (Episode 193) appeared first on She Said / She Said.