She Said / She Said

She Said / She Said

Visualize what you want! But, what if you don’t know what that is? (Episode 177)

January 16, 2022

Visualize what you want! But, what if you’re not sure WHAT THAT IS?  Episode 177



With so many people rethinking their lives, their jobs, and careers and setting goals for the new year, it’s a great time to dive into a creative tool that experts say can really help open our subconscious and provide a different dimension for goal setting. But even more compelling, this tool can help you answer the question: “what do I really want to do with my life?” 


Many of us contemplate that question early on in our adulthood, but it’s also one we need to revisit throughout our lives as we evolve, and grow. VISUALIZATION is a great tool to help us surface ideas we didn’t even know were possible! 



WHAT IS VISUALIZATION: An ancient idea that our lives become what we manifest through our thoughts. It’s like MINDSET, but more intense. 

WHO USES VISUALIZATION: Oprah, Spanx founder Sara Blakely, Lindsey Vonn, Michael Jordan, and more. 

WHAT EXPERTS SAY: Visualization helps them cultivate a sense of belief, build confidence, and create motivation. 

HOW TO CREATE AND USE A VISION BOARD: I share the technique I like to use, and give you a few alternatives. 

WHY I LOVE THIS EXERCISE:  It’s not just about clipping the images and words and pasting them on a board, the key is spending time to reflect and let ideas and inspiration bubble up from your subconscious. That’s where the magic happens! 

HOW VISUALIZATION RELATES TO INFLUENCE: Building and sustaining influence requires that we also take time to reflect on what’s important to us. Only then can we really double down in a focused way and work toward achieving those goals. Vision boards and visualization can be great tools.  

Did you try the vision board idea? I’d love to hear about your experience. Did you uncover any a-ha’s or gain greater clarity on a topic you’ve been struggling with? 


FEEDBACK: Let me know what you thought of the episode! DM me @lauraCoxKaplan on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter —I’d love to hear from you! And, if you are feeling generous, please be sure to leave a review on itunes. Reviews help others who are looking for content like this to fine it. So by leaving a review you don’t just help me, you help others as well! 



About LAURA 

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