She Said / She Said

She Said / She Said

Get organized, gain time, and build the life (and INFLUENCE) YOU WANT! Lisa Woodruff, Organize 365 (Episode 176)

January 09, 2022

Get organized, gain time, and build the life (and INFLUENCE) YOU want!  EPISODE 176

Studies show that “getting organized” sits in the top three new year’s resolutions right behind “losing weight” and “getting in shape.” Notwithstanding our collective commitment, it’s a difficult thing for many of us to conquer, and the mess and clutter is robbing us of our most finite resource: TIME. It also drains our energy, our focus, and our ability to execute on the things that are most important to us. Not to mention, it stands in the way of our ability to build and sustain INFLUENCE. 

This week’s guest has great advice and perspective to help you tidy up, regain time, and build the energy and focus needed to conquer all the rest of your resolutions! 



Lisa Woodruff is the founder and CEO of Organize 365. She’s the author of four books — including her most recent “The Paper Solution.” She’s also the host of “Organize265 Podcast” that’s been downloaded more than 14 million times! That huge number speaks to the millions out there who struggle to make sense of their stuff, and all the emotional baggage that often comes with it when we try to sort, discard, file and recycle. 



MINDSET: Lisa and I talk about the importance of mindset, and how it impacts our ability to get our clutter under control. Since mindset is often a big part of our conversation on She Said/She Said Podcast, I know you’ll love this additional dimension. 


INVESTMENT IN YOU: Organization is an investment in yourself. Even small investments and limited progress help you gain more time. 


SELF-TALK: Lisa talks about the importance of tackling overwhelming projects by adopting a positive talk track in your head, and she shares a few mantras that can help you shift your personal narrative. When we are too hard on ourselves it makes the job imminently more difficult, and we’re more likely to give up before we finish, or just skip the job all together. 


OUR ORGANIZATION SYSTEMS HAVE TO EVOLVE ALONG WITH US: This was such an epiphany for me. As we evolve, change and grow, our organizational systems have to keep pace. That’s especially true as new people enter or leave our lives. Nothing in life is static, including our stuff and our paper. It all has to evolve with us on this incredible journey. 


BUILDING AND SUSTAINING INFLUENCE: Getting more control of our space and gaining more time can help us build more INFLUENCE in our lives. The time we gain can be used to accomplish all those amazing things we dream about, and it can give us the bandwidth to connect more fully and to be more present for those we love and care about. 

LISA’S FAVORITE MANTRA: “Progress over perfection!”


Let me know what you thought of the episode! DM me @lauraCoxKaplan on Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter —  I’d love to hear from you! And, if you are feeling generous, please be sure to leave a review wherever you listen to the podcast. Reviews help others who are looking for content like this to find it. So by leaving a review you don’t just help me, you help others as well!

Have a great week!  


About Lisa Woodruff and Organize 365 

Listen to Lisa’s Podcast:  

The Paper Solution

How ADHD Affects Home Organization: Understanding the Role of the 8 Key Executive Functions of the Mind

The Mindset of Organization: Take Back Your House One Phase at a Time


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