She Said / She Said

She Said / She Said

Why taking a BREAK for REFLECTION helps build INFLUENCE (Episode 174)

December 19, 2021

Why taking a BREAK for REFLECTION helps build INFLUENCE 


As we prepare to close the book on 2021 with this last She Said/She Said podcast of the year, like so many of you, I’m taking a break to recharge. But before I take off, I wanted to share a few thoughts on the importance of self-reflection, recharging, setting the stage for goal setting, and why investing in ourselves — when those efforts are focused on growth — is the opposite of selfish. 



WHY WE NEED TO BUILD IN TIME TO HIT THE PAUSE BUTTON: Breaks are essential, especially when we are really pushing ourselves. When we don’t build in that time, the quality of the work — whatever it is — suffers. 

WHY INVESTING TIME IN YOU DOESN’T HAVE TO BE SELFISH: Taking a break is “self-investment” in the form of refueling. It helps us build capacity to be the person we need to be to fulfill our mission and purpose, to add value to the world, and to do the things that are important to us. We’re much more likely to accomplish those things when we build in some time for recovery. 

MY PROCESS FOR YEAR END SELF-REFLECTION: In this episode, I talk about the process I’ve used for more than a decade as part of a personal year end evaluation. The process looks back at all 52 weeks, and how I’ve performed in several key areas. This exercise sets the stage for the goal setting I’ll do at the start of the new year. As I initiated this year’s review, it also led to some important takeaways that I included in our 2021 Year End Newsletter.  

INVESTING IN YOURSELF HELPS YOU BUILD INFLUENCE: Investing in ourselves in ways that focus on personal growth and development is key, but it requires time for reflection. It’s why podcasts like this one and engaging our curiosity so that we are always learning, gaining insight, and challenging ourselves is so important. 

The levers or attributes that make us influential are also the secrets to getting along better with others— including during the holidays, of getting what we want, and most importantly, they are the keys to making the world just a little bit better and more peaceful. 

UNTIL NEXT YEAR: I’ll be back in mid-January 2022 with more incredible guests and topics that help you not only build and sustain influence, but that also allow YOU a little pause so you can invest in yourself. 

Let me know what you thought of the episode! DM me @lauraCoxKaplan on Instagram I’d love to hear from you! And, if you are feeling generous, please be sure to leave a review on itunes, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts. Reviews help others who are looking for content like this to find it. So by leaving a review you don’t just help me, you help others as well!

Be sure to check out the Year End 2021 Newsletter! 

Happy Holidays! 

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