She Said / She Said

She Said / She Said

Build INFLUENCE by editing your story! (Episode 168)

November 07, 2021

Why editing our personal stories — especially the narratives that don’t serve us well — is important for building INFLUENCE.
There is so much emphasis on being who we are and bringing our authentic selves to whatever you do. While that is important, we don’t often hear as much about the importance of discarding the stories and narratives that don’t serve us well. Learning to retool, reframe, and repurpose our stories can not only boost our confidence, but can help us use what we’ve learned in ways that can help us add more value to others and to ourselves. 
I’m solo this week so that we can take a deeper dive into the stories we tell ourselves, and the importance of editing them. 
WHY EDIT YOUR STORY? Are the stories you tell yourself setting you up for success? Are they setting you up to face new challenges? 
THE VOICE INSIDE YOUR HEAD: What story is she reinforcing?  
WE CAN CHOOSE THE STORY! A part of understanding our stories can often mean shifting the way we think about them. Was I a victim, or was the experience setting me up for something bigger and preparing me for something I hadn’t expected. We can choose the story! 
MENTORS CAN HELP US SHAPE OUR STORIES: As I prepared to pivot in my career, a wise friend gave me the nudge I needed to see an opportunity I had overlooked, a new way to edit and rethink my story going forward. 
CAREER PIVOT: Edits to our story can help us create a new narrative. You can take the pieces that enable you to pave a new path forward, and you can redeploy knowledge in a completely different way — maybe in a way that you hadn’t considered. 
INFLUENCE: How editing our story — especially the ones we tell ourselves — can directly impact influence. 
THE IMPACT OF POSITIVE REFRAMING: When we reframe and edit experiences — especially those where we failed — in positive terms, we can deploy them as strengths, even and maybe especially when they are painful in the moment. 
HOW TO INCREASE SELF-AWARENESS ABOUT OUR STORIES: There are lots of ways to do this, and I share some suggestions in this conversation. 
HOW SELF-AWARENESS RELATES TO INFLUENCE: Self-awareness is the first major lever of influence, and it’s driven by our stories. 
Are their stories you tell yourself that are worthy of some edits? I’d love to hear, and I’d love to know what’s resonating with you as we continue to dig into INFLUENCE here at She Said/She Said Podcast.   
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