She Said / She Said

She Said / She Said

How becoming a better problem solver can boost your INFLUENCE: “Turnaround” author Lisa Gable (Episode 164)

October 10, 2021

Becoming a better problem solver doesn’t just enable us to address an immediate need or challenge, it also helps us build capacity for both innovation, and — when done the right way — can help us build INFLUENCE! 
True problem solving starts with identifying the underlying cause of a problem, recognizing our own core competencies, and ultimately making tough decisions. But where to begin? This week’s guest will break it all down for us, and give us a simple, tried and true method of getting great results and turning problems into opportunities! 
Lisa Gable is a globally-recognized “turnaround mastermind” with three decades of experiences across consumer brands, health and wellness, government and non-profits. She’s taken what she’s learned and created a scalable, problem-solving strategy she outlines in our conversation and in her terrific, just-released Amazon best-selling business book “Turnaround.” 
Lisa’s approach — which she fine-tuned working for U.S. presidents and governors, as a U.S. Ambassador, the head of the World’s Fair, as an advisor to Fortune 500 companies (like Intel and Pepsi), and most recently as CEO of the Food, Allergy Research and Education Organization (FARE) — combines manufacturing techniques and diplomacy and works whether you are seeking change inside a large corporation, government agency, small business, startup, or maybe addressing a challenge that’s closer to home. I think you’ll find so many ways that her approach will work for YOU! 
NEVER OVERLOOK THE HUMAN ELEMENT OF PROBLEMS: Lisa puts a premium on DIPLOMACY and the importance of never overlooking the impact of growing your NETWORK, even when you must deliver bad news or help someone transition out of an organization. 
ON MENTORSHIP — why mentorship can not only spur your career, but is an important societal deliverable, and why your mentors don’t necessarily have to be more experienced or senior to you. 
BAD APPLES V. BAD BANANAS – learning to navigate challenging group dynamics and why all personnel problems are not the same.  
REFRAMING — How your biggest stumbling blocks often turn out to be your greatest stepping stones. 
ONE BITE AT A TIME — a valuable lesson in patience. 
TRUST YOUR GUT, BUT BE PREPARED — Lisa talks about a big bet she made that didn’t pay off right away, and what was required to stick it out until the tide changed. 
GET RID OF THOSE THINGS THAT AREN’T WORKING — Lisa is a big fan of audits to reset priorities. She shares some great lessons on why they are essential to figure out what is and what is not working, and how to prioritize. 
There is so much great advice in this episode. One piece relates to how Lisa thinks about INFLUENCE in her own life: “At every step of life you want to leave a deliverable and help someone else to be successful.” It’s a great way to think about not only influence, but also the importance of paying it forward! 
I’d love to know what resonates with you from my conversation with Lisa. Send me a message via the contact link on the website, or message me on Instagram, Facebook, Linked In or Twitter @LauraCoxKaplan
Thanks for joining us! Have a great week, and we’ll talk to you again soon! 
Lisa Gable
Order her book “Turnaround”