She Said / She Said

She Said / She Said

The life changing power of mindfulness: Doro Bush Koch & Tricia Reilly Koch (Episode 140)

February 14, 2021

Most of us won’t experience what it’s like to have people we love, members of our family, criticized and ripped apart in the name of political theater. As daughter and sister to two U.S. Presidents (41 and 43 respectively), Doro Bush Koch knows that experience well, and the tremendous stress that goes with it. She was first introduced to mindfulness by her sister-in-law, best friend, and now business partner Tricia Reilly Koch, as a way to cope with campaign-related stress.  The lessons they learned and employed on the campaign trail helped both women cope in the moment, but even more importantly gave them a calling for helping others learn to do the same. 
Doro and Tricia established their health and wellness business Bright, Bold and Real Wellness (BB&R) some 25 years ago. It has grown into a highly sought after consulting business which includes national conferences that offer attendees the latest information and tools for mindfulness, health and wellness. They also launched a terrific podcast “Health Gig,” which you can find wherever you listen to podcasts.
This week, the duo joined me to share their story, and to talk about why mindfulness is such an important part of self-care and overall wellness. They share great tips and strategies that you can employ in your life. It’s a perfect message for all of you She Said/She Said Galentines who may find it hard to remember that we have to take care of ourselves in order to also care for others. 
In this episode, we talk about different mindfulness practices, including learning to manage stress that comes with tremendous uncertainty (more present in our lives than ever before), and an important and timely new element of Doro and Tricia’s work called “co-mindfulness.” 
We also talk about learning to redirect negative energy, including anger, and to control our emotions in ways that offer us the ability to pause in the moment. These are skills we can learn. The more we practice, the stronger that muscle becomes. That strength gives us the ability to choose how and whether we react.  
I love and am grateful for all of you, and for my guests who take the time to share their story, lessons, and wisdom with us on She Said/She Said Podcast. Today’s conversation felt like a big, warm, much-needed virtual hug. I hope you feel that too!  Let me know what you think. Wishing you much love on Valentine’s Day and always. xo