She Said / She Said

She Said / She Said

Five ways to conquer imposter syndrome! (Episode 129)

November 30, 2020

Ever feel like the success or accomplishment you’ve worked for and achieved might be due to nothing more than luck?  You are not alone. That feeling is called “imposter syndrome,” and some of the most successful women on the planet admit they struggle with the tendency.
In today’s short form episode, I share my top five tips to help you conquer imposter syndrome, but I also provide some context for why this happens to so many of us. Hint – it’s isn’t necessarily a bad thing!
I’d love to hear any tips you have for countering this feeling, and for keeping your confidence strong! Be sure to share them with me on Instagram and tag @LauraCoxKaplan and @SheSaidSheSaidPodcast with #impostersyndrome. Take care! xo