She Said / She Said

She Said / She Said

“Love is the cure:” Dr. Donna Marks (Episode 128)

November 23, 2020

For many families, the holidays will look and feel very different this year. The added stress of coping with a pandemic that will either prevent us from seeing relatives, or will present difficult social situations. Not to mention the added challenges some families face navigating political divisions following a contentious election year. All of this can add to an already healthy level of stress. 
My guest in Episode 128 is Dr. Donna Marks, a therapist and an expert on addiction. She’s the author of 2020 International Book Award Winner  “Exit the Maze: One Addiction, One Cause, One Cure.”
When you hear Dr. Marks’ perspective on the topic — including her own story about addiction — you may see addiction (and a number of other societal problems) in a different light. And more importantly, gain a deeper understanding of what are often misunderstood underlying causes of so many of the challenges we face. 
Dr. Marks’ message is one of love, hope, optimism, personal responsibility, and, most importantly, self compassion. She provides great food for the soul and at a time when many of us could really use the extra boost. 
For more information about Dr. Donna Marks and for additional resources related to treatment for addiction, HERE.
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Whatever your holidays plans may be, I wish you and your loved ones safety, love, and time together — even if it’s over Zoom or Facetime — with those who are unable to gather this year. xo