She Said / She Said

She Said / She Said

310. Celebrating 7 Years and 7 Important Lessons: She Said/She Said Podcast Anniversary Special

November 15, 2024


Episode 310. Celebrating 7 Years and 7 Important Lessons: She Said/She Said Anniversary Special

Guest: Solo episode featuring host Laura Cox Kaplan



This week, we’re celebrating a milestone – the 7th anniversary of the She Said/She Said Podcast! Host Laura Cox Kaplan reflects on the journey of amplifying women’s voices, sharing invaluable insights on influence, and nurturing a thriving community of resilient and inspiring women. Drawing from personal experiences and listener feedback, Laura delves into seven pivotal lessons and timeless wisdom garnered over the past seven years.



For more than seven years, Laura Cox Kaplan has been exploring the stories and strategies of inspiring women from various walks of life. This special episode highlights the show’s journey, Laura’s reflections, and the incredible community built around shared experiences, triumphs, and challenges. It’s a heartfelt celebration of growth, resilience, and continuous learning.





  1. EMBRACE THE MESSY MIDDLE: Laura emphasizes that progress isn’t always a straight line. Growth is messy, unpredictable, and filled with detours, and it’s this messy middle where we often learn the most.
  2. VULNERABILITY CAN BE A SUPERPOWER: But balance is essential.  
  3. BEING OPEN TO POSSIBILITY: Laura discusses the importance of questioning our assumptions and embracing different viewpoints. 
  4. FAILING FORWARD: Mistakes and setbacks are inevitable, but they are also our greatest teachers. Laura talks about reframing failure as an opportunity to learn, adapt, and grow.
  5. SILENCING THE INNER CRITIC: Comparing ourselves to others can steal our joy and creativity. Laura shares strategies for making peace with our inner critic and practicing self-compassion.
  6. THE POWER OF SAYING NO: Sometimes, the most empowering thing we can do is say no. Setting boundaries and prioritizing creates space for the most important things in life.
  7. SHARING YOUR SUCCESS: Fulfillment comes from sharing success and using it to make a positive impact. Whether it’s mentoring, supporting a cause, or offering help, making our achievements meaningful is key.



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