She Said / She Said

She Said / She Said

308. How to Master Prioritization with Elisabeth Leamy

November 01, 2024


308. How to Master Prioritization with Elisabeth Leamy

Guest: Elisabeth Leamy, Emmy Award Winning Journalist and creator of the TRIfecta Technique


In today’s fast-paced world, finding the balance between quality and quantity can be challenging. We often feel overwhelmed with to-do lists that seemingly have no end, leaving us questioning how to maximize our efforts for greater impact. To help unravel this complexity, we welcome Elisabeth Leamy, an Emmy award-winning consumer affairs journalist turned motivational and informational speaker, to share her insights on prioritization. This episode dives into Elisabeth’s “TRIfecta technique” and explores her career transition and reinvention.


Elisabeth Leamy is a 13-time Emmy winner best known for her decade as a consumer and investigative journalist at Good Morning America. To survive at GMA, she developed a counterintuitive system for conquering competing priorities that allowed her to do award-winning on-air work while also writing two critically acclaimed books and a Washington Post column on the side. She calls it The TRIfecta Technique, and it is this framework that Elisabeth shares with audiences as a keynote speaker today.


THE TRIFECTA TECHNIQUE: Discover how Elisabeth developed this technique to combat perfectionism and counter burnout. She categorizes tasks into “good,” “better,” and “best,” ensuring that her most critical work gets the attention it deserves.

BALANCING REWARD AND IMPACT: Learn how Elisabeth applies the “Trifecta Technique” by assessing tasks based on their alignment with talent, reward, and impact. This prioritization helps in focusing energy on fewer, more strategic projects.

CAREER TRANSITION AND IDENTITY: Elisabeth shares her struggle with pivoting from a coveted career in broadcast journalism to a multifaceted portfolio career as a motivational speaker and consultant.

PRIORITIZING IMPACTFUL WORK: Drawing from her book “Save Big,” Elisabeth advocates for finding significant savings in big areas, contrasting with the common approach of cutting minor expenses — i.e. think car insurance v. your daily cappuccino!

This episode is packed with actionable advice on so many topics! I can’t wait to hear what hits home for you.

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