She Said / She Said

She Said / She Said

300. How to Combat Brain Fog and Boost Confidence

September 06, 2024


Title: ​​How to Combat Brain Fog and Boost Confidence

Episode 300

Guest: solo /Host: Laura Cox Kaplan


We’re celebrating a milestone this week with our 300th episode!

We deep into the neuroscience that underpins confidence, stress and that the reasons why so many of us suffer brain fog. With the transition period of fall bringing more hectic schedules and related stress, Laura examines how these elements affect our mental clarity and confidence. From understanding the impact of cortisol on the brain to implementing practical strategies, this episode provides insights and tools to help you regain your confidence and navigate brain fog.


Laura Cox Kaplan has spent three decades in communications, advocacy, and now juggles motherhood and entrepreneurship. With her vast experience and a community-driven approach, she has cultivated a space for women to learn, grow, and thrive. Celebrating the 300th episode, Laura reflects on her journey and the importance of sharing knowledge to build influence, maintain relationships, and stay true to oneself.


UNDERSTANDING BRAIN FOG: Laura discusses how chronic stress and hormonal fluctuations can lead to brain fog, affecting memory, learning, and overall cognitive function.

BECOME AWARE: Instead of fighting brain fog, accepting it as a temporary visitor can help us navigate it more gracefully and enable us to identify the stressors causing it.

IMPLEMENT A ‘WORRY AUDIT’: Set aside time to think about and audit worrying thoughts can create personal agency and help manage stress.

TAKE MENTAL BREAKS: Engaging in low-effort activities like walking, reading, or doodling can quiet mental chatter and enhance mental clarity.

REFRAME NEGATIVE SELF-TALK: Treat yourself with kindness and compassion, reframing negative thoughts to maintain confidence and reduce stress.

CELEBRATE SMALL WINS: Acknowledge even the smallest victories which can build resilience and counter stress, boosting confidence and mental well-being.

BREAK THE RUMINATION CYCLE: Learning effective tools to break free from rumination can prevent the cycle of stress-induced brain fog and confidence loss.

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