She Said / She Said

She Said / She Said

275. Creating festive events that build strong connection

December 01, 2023


Title: 275. Creating festive events that build strong connection

Have you ever struggled to find a group or network that supports your business goals? It can be very tricky, especially if you are looking for a group that also provides encouragement, inspiration, and tactical advice from those who are also working alongside you in the entrepreneurial trenches. 

While podcasts like this one can be a great resource, nothing takes the place of direct personal connection for brainstorming ideas and getting perspective from others. 

This week, as part of our continued holiday series, we’re going beyond the special touches that can make a celebration unique to focus on how to create real connection with guests (and with potential collaborators). And, how one extraordinary party planner created a place where fellow creative entrepreneurs could collaborate, support and inspire each other while also engaging in fun, festive events to showcase each other’s businesses.  


Lydia Menzies built Lydia Menzies Celebrates and her membership group The Super Club based on concepts that are also essential to creating real influence: connection, collaboration, creativity, kindness, and a sincere interest in helping other entrepreneurs identify their unique gifts and super powers. 

You could easily refer to Lydia as “party planner extraordinaire,” but that label actually misses much of the depth and understanding of how to develop and cultivate talent that Lydia puts into the experiences and parties she creates. 


  • How understanding the influence we have on others can be key to building a truly collaborative culture;  
  • How to navigate a common intellectual property challenge (especially important for creative entrepreneurs); 
  • Why aligning your values with potential partners and collaborators is essential for success; 
  • How helping others to discover their unique talents can help create true and lasting connection;
  • Why Lydia believes we all benefit and learn more when we collaborate with our competitors. 


To join the Party Week workshop and get a sneak peek inside Lydia’s Party Prep School:

If you missed Party Week but still want to know more about joining the Party Prep School:

If you are interested in The Supper Club:


Share your thoughts about this or any of our She Said/She Said Podcast episodes at the contact me link. Or message me on Instagram or Linked In. Or email me directly:

You can also follow me and share your thoughts with me on social media on Instagram, Linked In, and Facebook

Looking for more She Said/She Said? You’ll find all of my episodes and content here

And, if you are loving this She Said/She Said Podcast content, please be sure to leave a review on Itunes, Spotify or wherever you are listening! I’d be super grateful! 

She Said/She Said Podcast is produced weekly by She Said/She Said Media, LLC

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