She Said / She Said

She Said / She Said

266. Want to bulletproof your career? Start with purpose

October 06, 2023


Title: Episode 266: Want to bulletproof your career? Start with purpose.

Topic: Ever heard the saying “your best defense is a good offense”? That’s certainly true as it relates to bulletproofing your career.

Episode 266 is the first in our “bulletproof your career” series: a collection of shorter episodes designed to help you navigate and get in front of career change BEFORE it happens! I’ll be sharing these shorter-form, quick coffee break episodes (interspersed with some fantastic guest interviews) over the next few weeks and months, so please be sure to let me know if you find the series and topics helpful.  

This week, I’m sharing a strategy for how you can use your skills and experiences to create a purpose-fueled roadmap —one that will give you the first step to help you answer the question “what should I do next?” And “what am I really meant to do?” 

When we dig into our experiences and the core elements of what makes us who we are, we’re tapping into important elements of our story. Understanding those unique elements of our personal story and what makes us who we are is a key building block for influence.


Why it’s helpful to start with “purpose” when trying to answer the question:  “what do I really want to do next in my career and life?”

How to build your experience / skills worksheet. 

What to include on your worksheet.

Don’t forget about your “at a girl file.” and be sure to look back over your calendar, journals, and past evaluations as resources for your list.

Be sure to include volunteer and pro bono work. 

As you capture each item, ask yourself: “How did I feel about this experience?” and “What did I learn?” 

FOR REFERENCE: I’ve modified a version of questions created by workplace expert and author Michelle Gibbings to use as you reflect on your experience/skills list:

  1. What has mattered and matters to me? 
  2. What and who has/have inspired or inspires me? 
  3. When have I been the most motivated?  And why? 
  4. What difference have I made / still want to make through my work?
  5. When have I been most proud of who I am as a person? 


She Said/She Said Podcast Episode 184 “At a girl file”

She Said/She Said Podcast Episode 177 on visualization and creating a vision board

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