She Said / She Said

She Said / She Said

264. Navigating grief and change in your career

September 22, 2023

Title: Understanding and navigating grief and change in your life & career  

Episode 264

Guest: Meghan Riordan Jarvis, psychotherapist specializing in trauma and grief


Are we allowed to grieve when a boss leaves? What about when a project ends? Is it wrong to feel grief in a context other than when someone passes? 

We typically think about grief only in the context of death. But many other types of change can trigger symptoms associated with loss. While the loss of someone close to us is uniquely and extraordinarily painful, we can experience similar responses in the context of other changes in life, especially when those changes are significant and dramatic. 

This week’s fabulous guest is helping us better understand the broader dimensions of grief and its less well understood impact on us. When we have a better understanding of the impact, we’re better prepared and can develop strategies that offer a more positive response to an inevitable part of life. 

ABOUT THIS WEEK’S GUEST: Meghan Riordan Jarvis specializes in trauma, grief and loss. After experiencing PTSD following the deaths of both of her parents within two years of each other, Meghan launched a fantastic podcast called “Grief is My Side Hustle,” and began speaking more widely on the topic in order to help companies and individuals address grief in the workplace. 

Meghan is also the author of a soon to be released new book and memoir called “End of the Hour.” The book, published by Zibby Media, is available for pre-order here. 


  • How layers of grief can lay dormant and sneak up on us, often when we least expect it. 
  • Just because you have grief does not mean you are “bad at self care.”
  • How grief can impact all aspects of our lives and work and can cause a dizzying array of physical symptoms:  brain fog, anger, reduced productivity, strained relationships, and difficulty with decision making, among others. 
  • What to do when we notice the signs in ourselves and in others.
  • Some important tools to use to begin to work through grief and trauma 

Please be sure to let me know what you thought of the conversation, or anything else you might like to share. I love hearing from you! You can reach me via the link below: .  or email me and the she said team directly:

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Looking for more She Said/She Said? You’ll find all of my episodes and content here!  


Pre-order Meghan’s book “End of the Hour”


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She Said/She Said Podcast is produced weekly by She Said/She Said Media, LLC

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