She Said / She Said

She Said / She Said

262. Why defining “bold” for yourself is key to achieving your biggest goals

September 08, 2023

TITLE: Why defining “bold” for yourself is key to achieving your goals

Episode 262

GUEST: Shanna Hocking, leadership coach and author “One Bold Move A Day”


When I hear the word “bold,” I think of major career risks and actions that often represent major pivots, or maybe something far outside the norm. But this week’s guest makes a strong case for the fact that the most valuable thing she’s learned about living “boldly,” is that it’s essential for YOU to define what bold means in your own life versus looking to someone else’s definition. (Note: also a great way to avoid unhelpful comparisons!)

For Shanna, bold is synonymous with forward movement — both grand actions, as well as much less grand ones. The point is forward momentum based on how YOU define it. 

If you are looking for some additional powerful tools to add to your personal toolkit as we jump into the fall and back-to-school/life, this episode offers up some fantastic additions! 



Shanna Hocking is a leadership coach, development expert, and author, whose approach to taking one bold move each day that you define as bold for yourself is also the title of her book “One Bold Move A Day.” 



Why it’s more beneficial to define your own version of “bold.”

How letters to yourself can be useful for goal setting. Shanna shares writing prompts she uses to make her letters most useful for herself and for her clients.  

Why it’s beneficial to create a “User Manual” for yourself, and for your team. (Note: I also think this is a great tip for families!)

How Shanna’s Pivot Story illustrates the power of a consistent purpose even when roles, jobs or careers shift and evolve. 



Shanna’s book “One Bold Move A Day”

About Shanna Hocking

She Said/She Said Podcast Episode 260: Feeling the post summer vacation overwhelm? Eight tips to help YOU!

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