She's Spirit Filled

She's Spirit Filled

Latest Episodes

Is Social Media Ruining Your Life
September 10, 2019

   Social media is ruining a lot of lives these days. The desire to feel accepted and loved by many is causing a lot of harm to individuals on such platforms and I felt the need to address it on today's episode.  So if you're currently...

The Power Of Vulnerability WITH Jennifer Egbo
August 31, 2019

  Do you struggle with being vulnerable? Perhaps you find it difficult to let your guard down and allow people to see your struggles? In today's episode, I will be having a conversation with my friend Jennifer to discuss vulnerability and the...

Struggles As A Believer | Lust, Pride, Perfection, etc. Let's Get Transparent
August 24, 2019

As a believer we have struggles and sometimes we tend to hide our struggles out of the fear of being seen and criticized. But the truth is, being transparent helps in overcoming most of our struggles. The more you open up about how you're feeling, the...

Struggling With Sin? Lust, Pornography, Addiction, etc. LET'S BE TRANSPARENT
August 23, 2019

  As believers we tend to have struggles. No one is perfect and we all make mistakes. However, what we choose to do with our mistakes matters.  In Today's episode I decided to be transparent with some of my struggles as a believer in hopes...

Seasonal Friendships: 7 Signs Your Friendship Needs To End
August 01, 2019

Seasonal friendships   ..ugh..  Don't you hate it when you meet someone amazing only for them to walk away from your life a couple months or years later?  Well... it sucks..  And on today's episdoe, I'll be sharing 7 signs your...

Don't Let Anyone Kill Your Fire And Hunger For God
July 24, 2019

Have you found yourself in a position where your fire for God seems to be quenched? Maybe you're not spending more time in the word like you used to or you're not praying like you used to.  Or Maybe at some point in your journey God began to grow...

Are You Wounded And Need Healing?
July 18, 2019

Have you ever gotten a scratch or a scar somewhere on your body, only for you to find it a couple days later wondering where it possibly came from? Well I'm pretty sure you have.. hence why this episode is very important. Apparently, there are many of...

A Letter To The Imperfect Christian
June 28, 2019

Do you feel like you're not perfect enough to have a relationship with God? Or perhaps you went through a season where you acted out of your flesh and now you suddenly feel like you aren't worthy due to guilt and shame. Well, not to worry.. Because in...

How to be REALLY single. A Girl Chat conversation with Sarah Momodu
June 21, 2019

 In today's episode, I get to sit down with my friend Sarah Momodu to have a girl chat about singleness. Since we are both currently in our single season, we thought we would share with you guys some wisdom on how to be Really single based on our...

She's Spirit Filled - An Introduction
June 18, 2019

Welcome to the She's Spirit-Filled Podcast