She Likes To Go Slow Podcast : Slow Down and Listen

She Likes To Go Slow Podcast : Slow Down and Listen

Brad Parsons

June 27, 2023

*LISTENERS PLEASES NOTE THAT STITCHER is going away as a platform for podcasting/distribution 8/29/2023, AS A PART OF CONSOLIDATION.

Brad Parsons joined us for a quick session before he headed to Sawtooth Valley Gathering in Stanley, Idaho. He mentioned he has played there 7 times.

It was great visiting with this songwriter who grew up in Lewiston. He now lives in Astoria, Oregon. I asked about the music scene there, and he said Blind Pilot had pretty much started there. He said there aren’t many clubs there for live music, they sadly lost their favorite music venue.

Brad Parsons is the son of a Preacher, and you can tell he has many stories. You can catch him 6/27 at “Tuesdays on the Creek” at Indian Creek Plaza.

Go backstage with our full visit, below!

She Likes to Go Slow is sponsored by Donner Music!