The Shawn Ozbun Show

The Shawn Ozbun Show

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Ukraine fears Russian attack, Is Bitcoin as good as gold, major attacks on freedom of speech - The Shawn Ozbun Show
March 24, 2014

Today on "The Shawn Ozbun Show", Shawn talks about the Ukraine crisis and their fear of Russian attack, Bitcoin and precious metals and the most recent attacks on freedom of speech.

Fabian Calvo: Ukraine crisis could go HOT really quick, potential for world war 3
March 19, 2014

I had the privilege and opportunity to speak with Fabian Calvo from about the Ukraine crisis. I gave him the floor to explain exactly what he thinks is taking place over there and where he thinks It's ultimately headed. Here is some of

Cold War 2.0, Collapsing dollar and government overreach - The Shawn Ozbun Show 03/16/2014
March 17, 2014

On The Shawn Ozbun Show, Shawn went into detail about the economic dangers that come from this confrontation or cold war 2.0  between the west and Russia over the Ukraine crisis. Shawn also talked about the incredible government overreach and police stat

Shawn Ozbun Show 03/09/14 - Putin warns the United States, Real Unemployment rate and Obamacare surcharges
March 10, 2014

Putin warns the United States that sanctions will boomerang back to hurt the US,  Donald Trump says the real unemployment numbers are 21 percent, Obamacare surcharges are beginning to show up on restaurant bills, Staples is closing 225 stores because of

Ozbun Live 03/02/14 - Ukraine conflict, World War 3, and Record Silver Eagle Sales
March 03, 2014

All eyes are on the Ukraine for obvious reasons. People are trying to figure out what exactly is going on over there. Who are the good guys and who are the bad guys. Why is the West so interested and more importantly is it going to lead to World War 3? Uk

Massive Market Crash in the next few weeks..? The Collapse of Bitcoin
February 26, 2014

According to an article on CNBC, we should all stop whining about the economy because things are looking up. Of corse if you live in the real world and your job isn't to push lies and propaganda for the establishment, or if you don't live under a rock, yo

Ozbun Live 2/23/2014 - Cops break 10 year old’s leg; Handful of companies control the world
February 24, 2014

On Ozbun Live, Shawn talked about the economy and how there is only a handful of companies who really control the world. Shawn also addresses the rising police state by covering several articles from this week including a story about an officer in New Yor

China dumping US dollars? - Food shortages and soaring prices coming soon!
February 21, 2014

What most Americans fail to realize is how big of a role China plays in the overall success of our economy. It's also true that most Americans have no clue that the only reason our economy is still standing is because the US dollar is the world reserve cu

7th banker executive death, Experts warn of Hyperinflation coming to America
February 19, 2014

Well the list of banker death seems to be growing every few days. Most recently another JP Morgan Banker leaped to his death in Hong Kong. I think the question that everyone is asking themselves is quite simply, are all these deaths connected? If so, what

Ozbun Live 2/16/14 - Economy continues to get worse, more Americans killed by cops then in the Iraq war
February 17, 2014

On the Sunday night Ozbun Live radio broadcast I spoke about the continued decline in our economy, despite what the "mainstream media" keeps telling us. The reality is the economy actually lost 2.87 million jobs in January alone. Along with the declining