The Shawn Ozbun Show

The Shawn Ozbun Show

Ozbun Live 03/02/14 - Ukraine conflict, World War 3, and Record Silver Eagle Sales

March 03, 2014

All eyes are on the Ukraine for obvious reasons. People are trying to figure out what exactly is going on over there. Who are the good guys and who are the bad guys. Why is the West so interested and more importantly is it going to lead to World War 3?

Ukraine conflict, World War 3

According to Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, It may even lead to nuclear war if the US and the EU don’t stay out of it. Just look at what he said in a recent interview.

The last thing the EU wants is a regime of ultra-nationalists.  The EU is trying to stamp out nationalism and put all of the governments of the member states under the EU government in Brussels.  So sovereignty and ultra-nationalism are the last things the EU wants to see.

I think Putin will also wait to see if the moderates get in control somehow.  He’ll negotiate a reasonable agreement with them.  If the ultra-wing prevails in the Western Ukraine, then he’ll be prepared to defend the Crimea and the eastern provinces and to reabsorb them into Russia.

They won’t be able to take on the Russian Army.  So I think the danger does not come from Putin or Russia — it comes from the fools in Washington.  And if they (Washington) push this, which I suspect they will as part of their cover-up, then their anti-Putin rhetoric will rise, the lies will multiply, and they will force an issue rather than admit a mistake.  And so this is a great risk the world faces — it’s the risk of nuclear war.

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Silver Eagles Sales

Few things get my blood boiling more then the fact the main stream media continues to lie to the public telling them how worthless and useless precious metals are. Let me just tell you something right now, if you don’t own precious metal like gold and silver, your are going to wish you had in the very near future. Apparently I’m not alone in this thinking either, considering that the US Mint nearly sold out of American Silver Eagles in just two days. The US Mint sold 3,671,500 Silver Eagles in the month of February alone. I would say there is a huge demand for silver and that the window of opportunity to buy it is closing.


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