
todo level 3 and top tips – STP063
Episode 63 - The final episode in our kind of 'trilogy' on using Todoist. We briefly explore how to use Todoist at an advanced level. We also share great disciplines for managing tasks regardless of whether you use paper, Todoist or something else.
Look at all this stuff we covered:
- We meet Theresa - she's a 'Level 3' kind of person
- Sharing files - so others can help you with the project
- Filters - to keep track of everything
- Needless references to Findus Crispy Pancakes AGAIN
- The 'Teams Plan' on todoist
- Summarising Level 1 - The things Wanda might do:
- Simple to-do lists
- Shopping Lists
- Summarising Level 2 - What Emma could use it for:
- Projects
- Actions
- Recurring tasks
- Labels
- Prioritising
- Karma
- Gamification
- Productivity
- Summarising Level 3 - The sophisticated stuff for Theresa:
- Sharing files
- Uploading files
- Complex projects
- Assigning tasks
- Using Slack and Dropbox
- Filters to manage it all
- Whether you use todoist or not - our Ten Task Managing Take-Aways:
- Capture things well - either in a notebook, on paper, or electronically
- Keep a master list of ALL your tasks somewhere
- Review it regularly once a week, moving things from your master list to places where you will come across them when you need to on an app, a calendar or a diary
- Use 'Projects' if something has 2 or more actions
- For each action, write it down starting with the verb (the action word) e.g. "Write the..." "Call..." "List..."
- Group tasks together by contexts - where you will do them
- Carry out the tasks in batches - do similar things together (phone calls, check e-mails, brain-dead stuff, focus stuff etc.)
- Keep a record of what you've done and reflect at the end of the day
- Review what you've got for the next day - plan to do the task you enjoy LEAST first
- Plan the good stuff in, too - don't assume it will just happen
The resource and links to find out more
- Real people doing real things with todoist
- Uploading files in todoist
- Using Slack
- David Allen on projects
- Why using 'contexts' is a good idea
- The benefits of journaling and reflecting at the end of each day
- Eating the frog