

Do more things that matter STP091

June 02, 2024

Episode 91 – Blimey - we may have lost our marbles this time!

There are a few things you're getting with this episode.

Yes this is a FREE sample, a free insight into our brand new course CLEAR®. The course is NOW live, and we've had amazing feedback from people.

The common theme is how it's changing people's lives. From Directors to Filmmakers, Interior Designers to Regional Managers, and Individual Accountants to teams of 20+ people; the feedback is overwhelming...

"less stress", "greater sense of well-being", "more organised", "game-changer", "take back control of my time"...etc...etc.

If you want the JUICY stuff - scroll down to the bottom of the show notes*

This episode is the actual podcast of the FULL INTRO section, setting out what the course is about, who it's for, and you get to meet LUCY.

Look at all this stuff we covered in this full episode:

  • What the CLEAR® framework stands for
  • Catch - how to deal with the stuff as it comes at you
  • Locate - where to put it all
  • Execute - how to set your day up for success
  • Adapt - dealing with change and things that can de-rail your day
  • Review - celebrating success and deciding what you wanna tweak
  • Who it's for
  • Some people struggle because they have no system to deal with stuff, others because their system isn't actually working
  • Being MORE productive may not be the answer
  • Why it's not about time management
  • Time management isn't possible - you can't manage time!
  • What you can manage is what you pay attention to in the time you have
  • YOUR story
  • This course is different - because we're not just giving you the solution
  • We're also getting you to work out what that means to you
  • How YOUR life could be different
  • What YOU actually want to do
  • It's not JUST for work - it's for LIFE
  • Lucy's 'before story'
  • We meet Lucy, and spend a day with her
  • It's not fun - but you may be able to relate to some of her pain points
  • Of course, CLEAR® offers solutions to some of those pain points
  • In a later section - we revisit Lucy, and discover how different her world is after having applied the CLEAR® methodology
  • The 3 Levels
  • At Level 1 we're going to explain the framework and get you going at a basic level
  • Level 2 will build on your experience, introducing some new tools, and more advanced techniques
  • Level 3 (which we're calling the power level) will be the advanced level where we look at optimising the tools to work together, and to use with teams, family members and other people

  • OK - so you wanna get £400 OFF the list price, for being a loyal podcast listener? Here's how to do it:

1) Click on the FREE PREVIEW link here

2) Enrol and have a look at the free stuff, then go to the payment window

3) Enter the discount code loyalpod400

If you're not ready to commit and just want to find out more. You can see some details and some of our testimonials on our webpage here: CLEAR Webpage

If you've got any questions, send me an email at

To find out more about sondevelopment and how we can help you and your team:

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Thanks EVER SO MUCH for listening. If we help you BE BETTER at what you do, it’s all been worth it!