Mentoring Matters

Complete in Him
“You are complete in him, who is the he of all principles and power.” Colossians 2:9b
It is very important to know the Person that has authority over all living matters and the power to keep us in the most difficult circumstances where we need security and safety for ourselves, our families, and from authorities that can hold us hostage with their power.
Today, we reflect on how we find ourselves in places of no escape; we see what happens when we try to fix our problems on our own.
We struggle with how to trust our authority, Jesus Christ, who allows various trials to come to those that He loves – doesn’t He have the power to keep us safe?
When WE CAN’T, HE CAN. Our guide is found in the words of Jesus Christ, Himself.
Since His words are true and trusting. Join us as explore how being COMPLETE IN HIM keeps our guaranteed hope alive.