Let's Talk Shakespeare

Let's Talk Shakespeare

Let's Talk Shakespeare: How much was Shakespeare Worth?

December 27, 2015

For the eighth episode of Let’s Talk Shakespeare, I asked “How much was Shakespeare Worth?”. Most of the documents the survive about Shakespeare life detail his business and financial dealings. In this episode we looks at what these documents can tell us about Shakespeare worth at different points in his life, as well as where he got this money and what happened to it.

Exemplification of a fine showing Shakespeare's purchase of New Place
Exemplification of a fine showing Shakespeare’s purchase of New Place

This weeks guests are:

– Professor Michael Dobson, Director of the Shakespeare Institute
– Dr Elizabeth Dollimore, Outreach and Primary Learning Manager a the SBT
– Professor Stanley Wells, Honorary President of the SBT
– Dr Robert Bearman, Retired Head of Archives and Local Studies, Shakespeare Birthplace Trust
– Dr Tara Hamling, University of Birmingham

If you want to get in touch, you can tweet us on @ShakespeareBT or using the hashtag #talkshakespeare.

Find the show notes for this episode at: http://findingshakespeare.co.uk/lets-talk-shakespeare-much-shakespeare-worth#sthash.7QHQU7PX.dpuf