WHY ONLINE DATING SUCKS! What Happened To Angela Tramonte By Dario Dizdar
What could've happened to Angela Tramonte by Dario Dizdar0:00 Start0:28 Is our co-host a flirt?1:38 Does our co-host's body language indicate she's attracted to the host?2:58 Our co-host dresses like a hooker!4:06 Our nightmare trying to hire a video editor8:24 Angela Tramonte found dead on her first date with Dario Dizdar in Arizona15:06 Our crazy experiences dating long-distance online18:19 Terrible experiences dating girls in high school19:13 Making girls cry by breaking up with them20:51 Girls who've made the host cry22:21 Horror stories meeting girls long-distanceSubscribe for more psychology, behavior, influence, criminology, and body language podcasts, see you at the top.Host: Derek Van Schaik ZZ Kian us and send your podcast ideas:Instagram: