Full Contact Nerd Interviews

Full Contact Nerd Interviews

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Astronomy education – Dr. Inge Heyer interview – ArtandDesignSFF (Episode 50)
April 30, 2018

Dr. Inge Heyer has been involved with astronomy for over 30 years as a researcher and educator. She spoke to me at Far Point 2018 about what it takes to teach astronomy. (Photo provided by Dr. Heyer) 1:24 – Dr.

Sci-fi graphics specialist – Anthony Ur interview – ArtandDesignSFF (Episode 49)
April 23, 2018

Anthony Ur is a graphics designer supporting the military but spends his free time helping design graphics and special effects for an independent science fiction show, Dark Operations: Terminus. I interviewed Anthony at Far Point 2018.

Sci-fi author Peter David interview – ArtandDesignSff (Episode 48)
April 16, 2018

Peter David has been a professional writer for over 30 years. He’s written novels, comic books, television, video games and so on. He wrote Incredible Hulk for 12 years and has written both DC and Marvel comics.

Sci-fi author Timothy Zahn interview – ArtandDesignSff (Episode 47)
April 09, 2018

Author Timothy Zahn has been writing professionally since 1984. He’s written a number of well-regarded Star Wars novels, as well as the Manticore Ascendent trilogy, the Cobra trilogy and the young adult Dragonback series. I was able to interview Mr.

Sci-fi film producer Royce Essig interview – ArtandDesignSff (Episode 46)
April 07, 2018

Royce Essig has been pursuing a 25 year dream to produce a sci-fi drama. He and his team are close to completion and have used virtual reality technology to finish the product. I interviewed him at Far Point 2018.

Weapons maker Matt Stagmer interview – CreatingSFF Episode 45
April 02, 2018

Matt Stagmer is a prolific weapons maker. He’s part of the Man At Arms Reforged youtube show and he spoke to me at Magfest about his work. 1:14 – Matt was in charge of making the Optimus Prime sword handle. He loves the old school cartoon.

Game developer Jordan P interview – CreatingSFF Episode 44
March 30, 2018

Jordan Pierson loves video games and started creating them himself. He’s with JEP games.com and I met him at Magfest 2018. He told me about their newest game Akari 1:22 – Jordan tells me about the game Akari. It’s a 3D anime inspired world.

Game development project manager Rachael R interview – CreatingSFF Episode 43
March 26, 2018

  Rachael has been working with her friend on four games and I spoke to her at Magfest about their latest game, Akari. 1:40 – Rachael talks about the anime based game Akari. She has to go into the underworld to save her sister.

Fantasy and sci-fi artist Amanda Schank interview – Creating SFF Episode 42
March 23, 2018

Amanda Schank is a digital artist. I interviewed her at Super Magfest 2018 about her art, inspirations and method of working. 1:26 – Her Demon Slayer picture on an alligator rug is one of her favorite works because it’s very much “her”.

Game developers Christian Plummer and Zenas Bellace interview – Creating SFF Episode 41
March 19, 2018

I met one of the programmers and one of the developers of the indie game Super Rock Blasters at Super Magfest 2018 and interviewed them about making games. 1:36 – Christian explains what Super Rock Blasters is about.