Full Contact Nerd Interviews

Full Contact Nerd Interviews

Artist and author Brian Catling discusses his writing and his art

July 19, 2021

Artist and Author Brian Catling discusses his writing and his art
Check the book out here https://amzn.to/3rmzinv
Interview Timeline
Brian Catling is a poet, sculptor, painter, and performance artist. He makes installations and paints portraits of imagined cyclops in egg tempera. Brian has had numerous solo shows and has recently published a new book. We spoke about the work, his writing, and the occult. Hollow (Vintage, 2021)
0:35 – Brian talks about why he wrote the book.
3:14 – Brian talks about Christian religion in Europe.
4:40 – Brian talks about the book.
7:40 – Brian talks about about the book being European in focus.
8:14 – Brian talks about his research into the period.
9:07 – Brian talks about poetry in the book.
10:55 – Brian talks about his writing style in the book.
11:46 – Brian talks about how he plans out his book.
12:11 – Brian talks about his approach to writing.
13:12 – Brian talks about describing scenes in his book.
14:51 – Brian talks about his inspirations.
16:08 – Brian talks about not being able to paint what he writes.
16:33 – Brian talks about the surroundings he prefers when he writes.
17:33 – Brian talks about the musical feel of the book.
19:41 – Brian talks about not taking a moral stance in his writing.
20:25 – Brian talks about religion in his work.
21:30 – Brian talks about his favorite characters to write.
23:16 – Brian talks about characters that have been difficult for him to write.
24:17 – Brian talks about writing characters different from himself.
26:11 – Brian talks about how his approach to writing has changed over time.
27:55 – Brian talks about editing his work.
30:27 – Brian talks about his tempura work.
32:31- Brian talks about painting cyclops’.
33:44 – Brian talks about being a fan of ancient and epic literature.
36:13 – Brian talks about things he can’t do.
37:28 – Brian talks about being adopted.
38:14 – Brian talks about his interest in the mysterious and magic.
44:28 – Brian talks about being inspired by the Elizabethan John Dee.
46:26 – Brian talks about what scares him.
48:41 – Brian talks about humans being terrifying.
50:51 – Brian talks about the mixture of cultures.
52:42 – Brian talks about characters whom he’d like to write.
55:27 – Brian talks about his current working project.
59:27 – Brian talks about fiction that he’s enjoyed.
1:02:08 – Brian can be found at bcatling.com.
Links of interest
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