Full Contact Nerd Interviews

Full Contact Nerd Interviews

How the Japanese imperial system inspired a sci-fi book series with Juliette Wade

April 05, 2021

How the Japanese imperial system inspired a sci-fi book series with Juliette Wade
Check the book out here https://amzn.to/39KwCbD
Interview Timeline
Juliette Wade loves to learn and has degrees in both anthropology and linguistics. She is also a writer of speculative fiction and uses her knowledge to examine our society in her fantastic worlds. We talked about her latest book, about sci-fi and her inspirations. Transgressions of Power (DAW, 2021)
0:28 – Juliette talks about why she wrote this series.
1:32 – Juliette talks about the basics of the book.
5:14 – Juliette talks about the book incorrectly being labeled as post-apocalyptic and galactic empire style.
6:53 – Juliette talks about the research she did for the book.
8:32 – Juliette talks about the books caste system.
11:17 – Juliette talks about the size of her world.
13:18 – Juliette talks about the grounding of her caste system.
14:44 – Juliette talks about the use of violence in her novel.
16:26 – Juliette talks about the sci-fi and fantasy writers she likes.
18:12 – Juliette talks about the aesthetic fell of the book.
22:12 – Juliette talks about the age of the society and the social dynamics in her series.
26:13 – Juliette talks about her writing process.
29:50 – Juliette talks about character shame and guilt in the story.
33:15 – Juliette talks about tracking the elements in her novel.
36:11 – Juliette talks about how her approach to writing has changed.
37:58 – Juliette talks about becoming more science focused.
39:30 – Juliette talks about the language in the book.
42:55 – Juliette talks about Narnia and other fictional places she loved. She also talks about horror being difficult for her.
45:50 – Juliette talks about reading works at different stages of her life.
52:20 – Juliette talks about plot tropes she avoids.
54:12 – Juliette can be found at Juliettewade.com and on twitter, facebook and instagram.
Links of interest
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For more “Full Contact Nerd” please follow me at crisalvarez.com, on Facebook at CrisAlvarezFCN, on youtube at Cris Alvarez on twitter @CrisAlvarezFCN, on Instagram @crisalvarezscifi, and on Apple Podcasts / Google Podcasts / Stitcher / Spotify for the podcast. Please see historyrabbithole.com for a list of my dozen or so blogs and podcasts. You’re sure to find something you like.
Guests: Juliette Wade
Host: Cris Alvarez
Tags: Books, audio interviews, author, podcast, DAW, science fiction,
Check the book out here https://amzn.to/39KwCbD