Full Contact Nerd Interviews

Full Contact Nerd Interviews

Jonathan Janz interview about his new horror novel “The Raven” (Flame Tree Press, 2020)

November 29, 2020

Jonathan Janz interview about his new horror novel “The Raven”
Check the book out here https://amzn.to/39n98tX
Interview Timeline
Jonathan Janz has written over a dozen novels focusing on horror. He recently recently the post-apocalyptic horror novel “The Raven”. We spoke about the book and his writing process.
0:31 – Jonathan talks about why he wrote “The Raven”.
2:17 – Jonathan discusses the genres he used in the novel.
4:41 – Jonathan talks about mixing genres in other novels.
5:57 – Jonathan talks about how he presents his monsters.
7:16 – Jonathan talks about why he set The Raven in a post-apocalyptic setting.
9:15 – Jonathan talks about researching the science aspects of his novel with a scientist friend of his.
12:55 – Jonathan goes into whether his monsters or more science based or magical.
14:44 – Jonathan talks about being inspired by Josh Malerman, writer of Birdbox, and Ryan Lewis who helped produce the movie.
18:00 – Jonathan talks about cheesy horror films.
20:40 – Jonathan discusses Karate Kid.
21:45 – Jonathan said The Raven might have a Junkie XML soundtrack or an Ennio Morricone one.
22:57 – Jonathan talks about his approach to writing.
24:50 – Jonathan talks about what makes horror.
27:14 – Jonathan talks about a play he thinks is horror but no one else properly does.
30:30 – Jonathan talks about Salem’s Lot.
32:16 – Jonathan talks about his writing process.
34:25 – Jonathan talks about how rough his editing process is.
36:12 – Jonathan talks about what he edits in his work.
38:52 – Jonathan talks about the complexities of his characters in relation to other characters.
42:29 – Jonathan talks about how he maps his characters and he talks about how he teaches film history.
45:13 – Jonathan talks about how his writing has changed over time.
49:36 – Jonathan talks about overwriting his novels.
51:47 – Jonathan talks about how quickly he writes.
53:53 – Jonathan talks about being a big Star Wars fan and loving the Neverending Story.
59:57 – Jonathan talks about working with deadlines.
1:04:20 – Jonathan can be found at twitter @jonathanjanz and on instagram @jonathan.janz
Links of interest
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For more “Full Contact Nerd” please follow me at crisalvarez.com, on Facebook at CrisAlvarezFCN, on youtube at Cris Alvarez on twitter @CrisAlvarezFCN, on Instagram @crisalvarezscifi, and on Apple Podcasts / Google Podcasts / Stitcher / Spotify for the podcast. Please see historyrabbithole.com for a list of my dozen or so blogs and podcasts. You’re sure to find something you like.
Guests: Jonathan Janz
Host: Cris Alvarez
Tags: Books,