Full Contact Nerd Interviews

Full Contact Nerd Interviews

Brian Herskowitz discusses approaches to outlining a screenplay

November 09, 2020

Brian Herskowitz discusses approaches to outlining a screenplay
Check the book out here https://amzn.to/3iZJv3Z
Interview Timeline
Brian Herskowitz is a screenwriter and producer and has many credits to his name including Tour of Duty, Tio Papi, Hercules, scifi and horror movies, and a documentary on domestic violence. In part 3 of this teaching screenwriting series he [talked to me about outlining] explains how to outline a screenplay.
0:34 – Brian talks about outlining a screenplay.
3:30 – Brian talks about the importance of an outline.
6:54 – Brian talks about the hook of the story.
11:21 – Brian talks about setting the tone of a screenplay.
14:25 – Brian talks about the elements of the outline.
18:04 – Brian talks about the 12 guideposts about the structural elements every script has.
20:54 – Brian talks about the inciting incident.
22:55 – Maleficent spoiler.
25:52 – Maleficent spoiler ends.
25:52 – Brian talks about a character’s plans to reach their goal.
30:40 – Brian talks about the Act 2 break and how things escalate.
33:33 – Brian talks about revelations in screenplays. Infinity Wars spoilers.
34:03 – Spoiler ends.
37:19 – Brian talks how detailed an outline should be.
40:57 – Brian talks about breaking down a scene within an outline.
42:59 – Brian talks about outlining the middle of the screenplay.
46:45 – Leaving Las Vegas spoiler.
48:00 – Leaving Las Vegas spoiler ends.
48:36 – Brian talks about the order in which to outline a screenplay between the three acts.
50:05 – Brian talks about how so many writers don’t like to outline and how to overcome that resistance.
55:56 – Brian talks about whether an outline can be used to fix a problem screenplay or to determine if an idea won’t work.
59:11 – Brian talks about getting feedback on an outline.
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For more “Full Contact Nerd” please follow me at crisalvarez.com, on Facebook at CrisAlvarezFCN, on youtube at Cris Alvarez on twitter @CrisAlvarezFCN, on Instagram @crisalvarezscifi, and on Apple Podcasts / Google Podcasts / Stitcher / Spotify for the podcast. Please see historyrabbithole.com for a list of my dozen or so blogs and podcasts. You’re sure to find something you like.
Guests: Brian Herskowitz
Host: Cris Alvarez
Tags: audio interviews, author, podcast, film history,
Check the book out here https://amzn.to/3iZJv3Z
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