Full Contact Nerd Interviews

Full Contact Nerd Interviews

David Wellington interview about his science fiction novel “The Last Astronaut” (Orbit, 2019)

September 12, 2020

David Wellington interview about his science fiction novel “The Last Astronaut”
Check the book out here https://amzn.to/35vVtyQ
Interview Timeline
David Wellington has been writing fantasy for years [and] before turning his hand to science fiction. His latest novel The Last Astronaut is a look at horror in deep space. The book was nominated for the 2020 Arthur C. Clarke award and we spoke about the story, about horror and sci-fi, and about writing in general.
0:33 – Dave talks about why he wrote this book. he talks about being a huge monster fan.
3:34 – Dave talks about The Last Astronaut being hard sci-fi and being as scientifically accurate as possible.
5:28 – Dave talks about how he got interested in science fiction.
7:37 – Dave talks about the details of the novel and what it’s about.
10:12 – Dave talks about the research he did for the book and how much he has followed NASA’s work.
14:51 – Dave talks about what most surprised him when he interviewed two astronauts.
17:29 – Dave talks about a commercial space company in his book.
18:18 – Dave talks about the horror aspect of his novel.
20:53 – Dave talks about his horror inspirations.
24:56 – Dave talks about Predator as sci-fi and horror.
26:31 – Dave talks about humanoid versus weird monsters.
28:42 – Dave talks about the fantasy novels he enjoys.
31:30 – Dave talks about not listening to music while writing.
33:45 – Dave talks about the book having a synth-wave soundtrack.
36:56 – Dave talks about having worked as a data entry temp with the United Nations.
39:46 – Dave talks about having re-written Last Astronaut from scratch six times.
44:41 – Dave talks about having wanted to be in space when he was young. he also discusses the space shuttle tragedies.
48:17 – Dave talks about how his main character suffers from not having been able to go to Mars.
49:49 – Dave talks about recently finishing a horror novel.
54:00 – Dave talks about writers who are able to make money and tie-in writers.
55:37 – Dave can be found at davidwellington.net and on twitter @lasttrilobite and contactmonster@hotmail.com
Links of interest
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