Full Contact Nerd Interviews

Full Contact Nerd Interviews

Italian science fiction studies book – “Italian Science Fiction: The Other in Literature and Film” (Palgrave Macmillan, 2019) – Simone Brioni interview

April 14, 2020

Check the book out here https://amzn.to/2yda3MY
Dr. Simone Brioni is a professor of Cultural Studies and Comparative Literature. He’s written and taught on the subject of migration and Italian colonialism. He recently co-authored a book on Italian science fiction and how those works reflect and comment on Italian culture.
0:43 – Simone talks about how he got into writing on science fiction and on Italian science fiction. He saw science fiction not as predictive but rather a reflection of reality.
2:49 – Simone talks about how the book is laid out chronologically.
4:42 – We discuss the theme of travel in Italian science fiction. Simone talks extensively on I Am Legend and the themes of fascism in the story.
12:38 – Simone talks about fascism’s fascination for the future and science fiction.
14:37 – Simone talks about the major periods of Italian science fiction.
18:07 – We talk about monsters in Italian science fiction.
21:07 – Simone talks about Itlaian science fiction that embraces liberal ideas.
23:51 – We discuss science fiction productions that were done in Italy.
28:11 – Simone talks about Italian tv and film sci-fi production.
32:18 – Simone talks about how he did his research on Italian sci-fi and the books he found.
35:44 – Simone talks about how he found Italian sci-fi shows and movies.
37:53 – Simone talks about how such major social themes are discussed in Italian science fiction. He also talks about how the Romani have a major part in Italian science fiction. He also touches on translation issues.
43:00 – Simone talks about time machines and robots in Italian sci-fi.
44:54 – Simone hopes to influence English speakers in understanding the importane of Italian science fiction in global science fiction.
47:00 – Simone talks about why Italian sci-fi didn’t become familiar to English speakers.
51:08 – Simone can be found on twitter @SimoneBrioni and has a webpage at Stonybrook University.
Links of interest
For more “Full Contact Nerd” please follow me at crisalvarez.com, on Facebook at CrisAlvarezFCN, on youtube at Cris Alvarez on twitter @CrisAlvarezFCN, on Instagram @crisalvarezscifi, and on Apple / Stitcher / Spotify for the podcast
Guests: Simone Brioni
Host: Cris Alvarez
Tags: science fiction, Berlusconni, Italy, James ballard, mediascape, national identity, panopticon, philip k. dick, dystopic, i am legend, fascism, zombie, colonialism, horror, alternative history, neofascist, mussolin, world war two, WWII, afrofuturism, dystopic, Nirvana, Space 1999, Barbarella, Dune, Primo Levy, Italo Calvino, alternative realities, Planet of Vampires, Alien, They Will Leave, concentration camps, Roma, Rome
Check the book out here