Full Contact Nerd Interviews

Full Contact Nerd Interviews

Science Fiction Replicas – Master Replicas Group interview

June 11, 2019

Master Replicas Group is a producer of museum quality replicas from science fiction, science and other popular entertainment. I spoke with two of their senior members, Steve and Karl, at the GPCC 2019.
0:38 – Steve and Karl talk about what the Master replica Group does.
1:08 – Karl talks about how one becomes a professional replica maker. He talks about 2001, fossils and 3-D replicas.
3:06 – Karl talks about how model makers connect and get into licensed projects. Steve talks about the actual business side of the work.
6:15 – They discuss what technology advancements have changed the business.
8:20 – They talk about quality control of the [models] replicas.
10:36 – They talk about applying artistic design to their replicas.
15:43 – They talk about what sci-fi and fantasy works have inspired them.
19:35 – They talk about whether space exploration is inspiring people currently.
21:19 – Steve talks about the moon landing and people who don’t believe it.
22:10 – They talk about how they are able to work with people who work remotely for the company.
23:12 – They talk about how people joined their company.
24:50 – Steve talks about cash flow management.
28:55 – They can be found at masterreplicasgroup.com. They’re on facebook and twitter and have links all over google.
Links of interest
For more of “Science Fiction and the Fantastic Inside Out” please follow me on Facebook at crisalvarezwlc, on youtube at Cris Alvarez and on Instagram @crisalvarezscifi
Guests: Master Replicas Group
Host: Cris Alvarez
Tags: science fiction, fantasy, art, artist , Warner brothers, dinosaurs, fossils, 2001, smithsonian, apollo, hal-9000, 3-D, white light scan, star wars, star trek, marvel