S.F.A. Charlotte

S.F.A. Charlotte

Latest Episodes

Hourly Wage, the Job Market, & Government
November 20, 2021

Since the start of Covid-19, the U.S. economy and job market has been greatly impacted. As we return to some kind of normalcy S.F.A. addresses the difficulties within the job market.

Spirit vs Flesh
October 30, 2021

Does flesh oppose the spirit? Are they one in the same? Why do we feel they oppose one another? Tune in as we take on an enriching conversation about flesh and spirit. Often times we see both entities as being oppositional however we challenge you to (see

Self Care
October 23, 2021

What is it? How do we truly engage in act(s) or self care? Tune in as we break down the concept of self care and examine how we apply it and incorporate it into our daily lives.

Protecting the Black Family
October 16, 2021

Tune in this week as we discuss how to protect the Black family. In this segment we examine some ideas, strategies, and techniques and how they assist in maintaining and preserving the Black family.

Toxic Mindsets in Healthy Relationships
September 25, 2021

This week we address toxic mindsets in healthy relationships. In this segment you can listen to us speak on our own experiences and struggles with unhealthy psychologies we had and how we grew through them. Be sure to follow us on Instagram @sfa.charlotte

The Criminalization Marijuana
September 11, 2021

This week we getting lifted! Today we conversation about marijuana; you can listen to us discuss the history of its legalization, its health benefits, and the criminalization of it as a whole.

How much of our lives are lived online?
September 04, 2021

Over time, technology has become more and more integrated into our lives. But... have we reached a point where we have become too reliant upon a tool that was designed to make day-to-day activities easier? This week we ask, “How much of your life is lived

90 Day Reset
August 28, 2021

As summer comes to a close, we are preparing to transition to a new season. This segment we discuss how to create a new lifestyle in 90 days! Tune in as we investigate the hows and whys of this commitment, as well as its significance. Your transformati

Sex Work
July 31, 2021

This week we talk about sex work and judgmental attitudes towards the profession. Why does sex work receive so much criticism and hate? How can we construct inclusive communities and safe havens for our brothers and sisters in the sex work industry? We wa

Adulting 101
July 24, 2021

This stuff they didnt teach you in school . This week S.F.A. takes on the topic of adulting. What has our journey been like? What have we had to learn? What are we currently learning? A conversation everyone can contribute to and give resourceful feedba