Sex With Dr. Jess

Sex With Dr. Jess

Latest Episodes

What We Fight About & 3 Ways We Resolve Arguments
July 05, 2019

In this episode, we talk about a fight we had the other day and our top three strategies for resolving conflict in our marriage. We also discuss Airpod sex, Canadian open relationships & millennial marriage with reference to two recent studies. -

How to Prepare For Marriage, Get Over an Ex and Repair a “Broken Relationship”
June 28, 2019

Jess and Brandon weigh in on listener questions related to breakups, rough patches, managing jealousy in the age of social media and wedding planning anxieties. - **Please find a rough transcript below for this episode.**

Dating, Confidence, & Sex Appeal – A Burlesque Dancer’s Perspective
June 21, 2019

Burlesque sensation, Pastel Supernova, joins Jess and Brandon to talk about her experiences with dating, love and relationships. She shares insights on building self confidence, loving your body, and overcoming nervousness and performance pressure.

Foot Fetishes, Sex Smells, Dating Profiles & Creating Relationship “Distance”
June 18, 2019

Why do we develop fetishes and how can you talk to your partner about a fetish? How can you discuss spending time apart with a new partner after you’ve moved in together? Jess and Brandon discuss these topics and share their thoughts on sex smells,

Emotional (Un)availability: How to Get Your Partner to Open Up
June 07, 2019

Jess and Brandon discuss what emotional unavailability might look like and they challenge the “fix-it” mentality. They share specific strategies for overcoming emotional unavailability including language and approaches to support your partner.

Help! I Can’t Orgasm With My Partner
May 31, 2019

Jess and Brandon respond to a listener who can orgasm on her own, but not with her partner. They share tips, insights, personal stories as well as practical mindfulness strategies you can try tonight. - Please find a rough transcript of this podcast b...

Vaginismus: Painful Sex
May 24, 2019

What are the causes, symptoms and treatment options for Vaginismus? Jess shares resources and chats with her friend Meredith who shares her story of successfully overcoming Vaginismus. As mentioned on this episode, check out the work of Dr.

How To Talk To Your Kids About Porn
May 17, 2019

Jess and Brandon talk about celebrity relationships (again!). Then Nadine Thornhill joins them to share practical advice on how to talk to your kids about sex, porn and body image. - Follow Nadine on... - Twitter - Facebook - Instagram -

Why We All Seek Attention & Feel Insecure: The Ayesha & Steph Curry Case
May 10, 2019

Do you have a partner who craves attention? Do you love getting attention? How do you feel when your partner gets attention from outside sources? Jess and Brandon discuss the Ayesha and Steph Curry case and share their experience with managing insecuri...

Ambiamory, Polyamory, Open Relationships
May 03, 2019

Are you monogamous? Consensually non-monogamous? Ambiamorous? Polyamorous? Have you explored all of your options? And what can you learn from relationship types that are different than your own? Kevin Patterson joins Jess & Brandon to talk about his op...