Sex With Dr. Jess

Sex With Dr. Jess

The Business of Sex: How To Become A Sexologist

August 19, 2021

This week, we flip the scripts and our intern, Maggie Lee, interviews Jess about her journey into the field of sexuality. They talk education, equity, the business of sex and Jess shares her insights for the next generation of sexuality professionals.

Womanizer and We-Vibe is having a sale! Use code DRJESS to save a few extra from products such as the Starlet to the Wish.

And do check out the latest book by Jess and Marla Stewart, "The Ultimate Guide to Seduction & Foreplay," right here.

If you’ve got questions for the podcast, submit them here. As well, you can now record your messages for us! Please record your message/question in a quiet room and use your phone’s headphones with built-in mic if possible.

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Rough Transcript:

This is a computer-generated rough transcript, so please excuse any typos. This podcast is an informational conversation and is not a substitute for medical, health or other professional advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the services of an appropriate professional should you have individual questions or concerns.


Welcome to the Sex With Dr. Jess podcast. This week, we’re doing something a little different. Our lovely intern Maggie, who is studying Sexuality at Concordia University, is doing a series of interviews on working in the field of sexuality and I was her first interviewee, so we’re going to share that conversation with you.

Before we dive into that, I want to shout out the Womanizer & We-Vibe sales. We-vibe has my favourite toy, The Touch on sale as well as a number of others like the Wish, and the Tango at and Womanizer also has a few products on sale including the Starlet, which is under $50 at - please use code DRJESS to save a few extra $ and to let them know that you heard about them here. I told you last week about all the positive feedback I’ve been receiving regarding the Womanizer Starlet from online messages to people stopping me in the airport, so do check it out at

Alright, without further ado, let’s get to our interview. In this conversation, I talk about my personal journey into the sexuality field, the challenges, the rewards, how I carved my path, what I’ve learned and what I foresee for the future. Check it out. Here’s Maggie taking over the mic...


The first person I'm going to be interviewing is Dr. Jessica O'Reilly, otherwise known as Dr. Jess. She's a sexpert, a media personality, the host of the Sex With Dr. Jess podcast, she’s an author and educator, amongst other things. So Hi, Dr. Jess, thanks for chatting with me today. How are you?

Dr. Jess:

Great. Thanks for having me, happy to be chatting.


Happy to have you. So because we're talking about careers, I'm going to start with, what is it that you actually do for a living? Could you please describe your professional work in the sexuality field?

Dr. Jess:

Absolutely. So I'm a speaker and an educator. So I work with groups, primarily adults, and primarily couples, who want to work on their relationships, want to enhance their sex lives, want to improve their communication skills, their intimacy, their connection. And my work really entails traveling to host a range of different workshops. So I'm not really seeing people one on one, it's all group work. Sometimes it's what we call a brief intervention, or I guess they're all fairly brief interventions for hours, maybe a couple of days, and we work through the group process. So that's what the bulk of my work entails. And then I support that work, and I suppose promote that work via the media side. So I host a television show. I have,