Sex With Dr. Jess

Sex With Dr. Jess

Polyamory, Toxic Monogamy, & Ethical Non-Monogamy: What Therapists & Practitioners Need to Know

February 05, 2021

Kevin Patterson & Dr. Liz Powell join us to talk about their new course, Unf*ck Your Polyamory Pro — for both individuals, couples, groups and professionals. They discuss shame, stigma, stereotypes, metamours, toxic monogamy, hierarchies, compersion and lessons that we can all learn from — regardless of whether we consider ourselves monogamous, ethically non-monogamous or otherwise inclined.

Follow Dr. Liz on Twitter & Instagram.

Follow Kevin on Instagram, Facebook & Twitter.

To learn more about the We-Vibe Tango X that Jess referenced in this episode, click here.

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